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The BRICKS Project Website
Added 25 September 2006
The BRICKS Project – Building Resources for Integrated Cultural Knowledge Services – researches and implements advanced open source software solutions for the sharing and the exploitation of digital cultural resources.
- Digital libraries
- Museums
- National archives
- National libraries
The Challenge: Long-term Preservation - conference proceedings
Added 9 May 2007
proceedings from the conference held in Frankfurt, Germany (20th - 21st April 2007)
- Conference proceedings
- Long-term preservation
- Trusted repositories
The cross-walk file matching TRAC, Nestor and DCC criteria
Added 16 April 2007
The cross-walk file matching TRAC, Nestor and DCC criteria
- Trusted repositories
The Digital Black Hole
Added 2 August 2006
The article presents an analysis of costs for digitizing and long-term storage at the Riksarkivet (National Archives, RA) in Stockholm, Sweden. This example includes forecasts of cost development for the next few years which may help other institutions in analysing their own costs and budgeting for long-term storage.
Without long-term planning, digitization projects can come to behave like black holes in the sky. Scanned information, which in the analog world could be accessed simply by the use of our eyes, is suddenly stored in an environment where it is only retrievable through the use of technology, which constitutes a constant cost factor. The more information is converted, the more the costs for accessing it go up. The digital black hole has got its firm grip on the project. It will go on swallowing either money or information: the funding must be continued or the input will have been wasted. If funding starts to fade, the information may still be retrieved but after a while it will no longer be accessible due to corrupted files, or obsolete file formats or technology. Then the digital information is lost for ever in the black hole.
Contact: [email protected],
- Long-term preservation
- Sustainability and costs
The DRIVER Guidelines
Added 7 August 2007
In the rapidly evolving repository landscape a unified approach and implementation of repositories is needed to ensure high level interoperability and retrieval of content. DRIVER provides such a unified approach and is leading the way as the largest initiative of its kind helping to enhance repository development worldwide.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digital libraries
- Institutional repositories
The role of a national library in supporting research information infrastructure
Added 20 October 2006
In Australia, the National Library is collaborating with the higher education sector as part of a national program to improve the nation’s research information infrastructure. These activities have provided a focus for the National Library in its engagement with the university community.
This paper is based on the experience of the National Library of Australia during the past three years in working with universities and the federal Department of Education, Science and Training to improve research information infrastructure in Australia.
- Digital libraries
- Institutional repositories
Towards an Open Source Archival Repository and Preservation System - UNESCO Report
Added 9 July 2007
Recommendations on the Implementation of an Open Source Digital Archival and Preservation System and on Related Software Development
This report was commissioned by UNESCO Memory of the World Programme and prepared with the support of the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories (APSR).
Kevin Bradley, National Library of Australia, led the project, edited the report and is ultimately responsible for its content.
Junran Lei undertook the research and Chris Blackall supported the development of the structure of the document and coordinated APSR’s work.
- Open source
- Reports
Trusted Digital Repositories
Added 3 August 2006
In March 2000 RLG and OCLC began collaboration to establish atributes of a digital repository for research organizations, building on and incorporating the emerging international standard of the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). A trusted repository is one whose mission is to provide reliable, long-term access to managed digital resources to its designated community, now and in the future. In this report the working group has articulated a framework of attributes and responsibilities for trusted, reliable, sustainable digital repositories.
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Trusted repositories
Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification (TRAC): Criteria and Checklist
Added 26 March 2007
The Audit Checklist for the Certification of Trusted Digital Repositories, originally developed by RLG-NARA Digital Repository Certification Task Force, has been revised and expanded. The revised version is entitled: Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria and Checklist (TRAC).
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Trusted repositories