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DAVID - Digitale Archivering in Vlaamse Instellingen en Diensten
Added 16 March 2004
The processing of information is more and more a matter of computers and electronic files. The question how these electronic files can be archived in a secure and lasting way, is keeping the world of archives busy since many years. Everyone can see that digital archiving offers many advantages, also if traditional paper documents are concerned. Digital archives are more accessible and they take up less room. Digital archiving is however rather new and full of uncertainties. How can one guarantee the integrity of electronic archives? An electronic file can be changed rather easily. And how can one assure that an electronic file stays legible in the long term, considering the fast evolution in hardware and software? There are no standards yet and there are still many questions about the "digital durability" of electronic archival material. DAVID’s aim is to ensure the long-term preservation of the electronic records.
Contact: Filip Boudrez,
- Long-term preservation
DELOS - Network of Excellence for Digital Libraries
Added 16 March 2004
Digital Libraries represent a new infrastructure and environment that has been created by the integration and use of computing, communications, and digital content on a global scale destined to become an essential part of the information infrastructure in the 21st century. Digital libraries will make Europe's cultural heritage and scientific content available to all European citizens, and will sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations. New DL research, technologies and applications will thus greatly contribute to the advancement of the use of distributed, networked information of all types in Europe and the world. Its objectives are to: Contribute towards improving the effectiveness of European research in this emerging domain; Provide a forum where researchers, practitioners, and representatives of interested application communities and industries can exchange ideas and experiences; Train young researchers in the DL field; Contribute towards defining a European Union research policy in the DL domain; Cooperate with on-going standardization activities in relevant DL fields; Facilitate take-up of DL technologies in all interested application communities; Create a forum where results of EU funded DL projects can be presented and where common problems can be discussed and areas of cooperation identified; Promote cooperation between European and national DL initiatives; and promote international cooperation in the DL research domain.
Contact: Costantino Thanos,
- Consultancy
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Standards
Added 16 March 2004
DigiCULT draws on the results of the strategic study "Technological Landscapes for Tomorrows Cultural Economy - DigiCULT", that was initiated by the European Commission, DG Information Society (Unit D2: Cultural Heritage Applications) in 2000 and completed in 2001. This study covers several areas of interest, (national policies & initiatives, organisational change, exploitation, and ICT) and formulates a series of recommendations. In particular, it provides a roadmap of how cultural heritage technologies will or could develop in the near future (until 2006). Building on the knowledge and expertise of over 50 cultural heritage experts, DigiCULT will discuss and analyse current and future trends in several technology domains, that have been identified as key areas during the DigiCULT study. DigiCULT will also function as a stimulus for future R and D in/for the cultural heritage sector.
Contact: John Pereira,
- Research and development
- Technology
Digital Archive
Added 16 March 2004
The Digital Preservation Department at the National Archives was set up in July 2001 and charged with developing a method of storing, preserving and providing access to electronic Government records ? everything from emails and web pages to multimedia formats.
Specialists were recruited to meet this challenge - part of the Modernising Government initiative, which is establishing ways for citizens and businesses to communicate with the government electronically.
Following an intensive development period, involving a team drawn from all business groups at the National Archives, on 2nd April 2003 the Digital Archive was launched. For the first time a digital repository, successfully storing and making available electronic records of Government held here at the National Archives was available to users.
Contact: The National Archives,
- Long-term preservation
- National archives
Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
Added 24 April 2006
Scientists, researchers and scholars across the UK generate increasingly vast amounts of digital data, with further investment in digitisation and purchase of digital content and information. The scientific record and the documentary heritage created in digital form are at risk from technology obsolescence, from the fragility of digital media, and from lack of the basics of good practice, such as adequate documentation for the data.
Working with other practitioners, the Digital Curation Centre will support UK institutions who store, manage and preserve these data to help ensure their enhancement and their continuing long-term use. The purpose of our centre is to provide a national focus for research and development into curation issues and to promote expertise and good practice, both national and international, for the management of all research outputs in digital format.
What is digital curation? Digital curation is all about maintaining and adding value to a trusted body of digital information for current and future use; specifically, we mean the active management and appraisal of data over the life-cycle of scholarly and scientific materials.
Contact: DCC Helpdesk,
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
Digital Preservation Coalition
Added 16 March 2004
The Digital Preservation Coalition was established in 2001 to foster joint action to address the urgent challenges of securing the preservation of digital resources in the UK and to work with others internationally to secure our global digital memory and knowledge base. The DPC outlines many goals it hopes to achieve, including the production, provision and dissemination of information on current research and practice; To act in concert to make arguments for appropriate and adequate funding to secure the nation's investment in digital resources and ensure an enduring global digital memory; Promote and develop services, technology, and standards for digital preservation. Forge strategic alliances with relevant agencies nationally and internationally, and work collaboratively together and with industry and research organisations to address shared challenges in digital preservation.
Contact: Maggie Jones,
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
Dissertation Online - Co-ordination Agency for Online Dissertations and Post-doctoral Theses
Added 16 March 2004
During the project "Dissertation Online", the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft supported the development of solutions and assistances for the production, retrieval and long-term availability of digital dissertations. To keep the outcome of that project state-of-the-art, to initiate necessary further developments, and to build up a network of competence, the project "built up of a Co-ordination Agency for online dissertations and post-doctoral theses" has been set up to expand the Co-ordination Agency DissOnline. The project comprises an analysis of the current infrastructure concerning online dissertations at German universities, including a comparison of the different promotion regulations, workflows, online support systems and portal software. The FAQ system is being built up in revised form, and the recommendations for doctoral candidates, libraries and universities will be replenished and enhanced. Legal issues are being dealt with in collateral service contracts. The outcome of the project shall be proposals to a uniform, workable procedure DissOnline in Germany that are to be discussed and harmonized with universities, computer centres and libraries.
Contact: Dr. Nikola Korb,
- Metadata
- Portals
- Research libraries
- Standards
DLM Forum
Added 16 March 2004
This DLM Forum covers several areas of interest, (national policies & initiatives, organisational change, exploitation, and ICT) and formulates a series of recommendations. In particular, it provides a roadmap of how cultural heritage technologies will or could develop in the near future (until 2006).
Contact: DLM-Forum Secretariat,
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Technology
Added 30 May 2007
The Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment (DRAMBORA) toolkit is intended to facilitate internal audit by providing repository administrators with a means to assess their capabilities, identify their weaknesses, and recognise their strengths. Digital repositories are still in their infancy and this model is designed to be responsive to the rapidly developing landscape. The development of the toolkit follows a concentrated period of repository pilot audits undertaken by the DCC, conducted at a diverse range of organisations including national libraries, scientific data centres and cultural and heritage data archives.
Contact: DRAMBORA Information,
- Academic research
- Archives
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Sustainability and costs
- Trusted repositories
Added 16 March 2004
Cambridge University Library, in association with the University Computing Service, has formulated a major project to provide the University with an institutional digital repository, "DSpace@Cambridge". This repository will provide a home for the increasing amount of material that is being digitised from the University Library's own printed and manuscript collections. It also has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve digital materials created in any part of the University. These will potentially include scholarly communications (articles and pre-prints), theses, technical reports, archives of departments and the University as a whole, and other textual material, together with different formats such as multimedia clips, interactive teaching programmes, data sets and databases.
Contact: Peter Morgan,
- Academic research
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Open source
- Technology