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Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS)
Added 3 August 2006
This document is a technical Recommendation for use in developing a broader consensus on what is required for an archive to provide permanent, or indefinite long-term preservation of digital information.
This Recommendation establishes a common framework of terms and concepts which comprise an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). It allows existing and future archives to be meaningfully compared and contrasted. It perovides a basis for further standardization within an archival context and it should promote greater vendor awarness of, and support of, archival requirements.
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Standards
- Trusted repositories
Research Activities of the European National Libraries in the Domain of Cultural Heritage and ICT (2006)
Added 25 July 2006
The report, building on an initial analysis focused on the national libraries in the New Member States, examines the current state-of-the-art in the domain of cultural heritage and ICT in all the CENL National Libraries Members. The report covers also activities connected with digital libraries and repositories. It is obvious that preservation part is either unknown or underestimated with most libraries covered by the survey and report.
Contact: Zinaida Manžuch & Adolf Knoll,
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- National libraries
- Surveys