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Added 3 August 2006
The goal of the kopal project is to develop a technological and organizational solution to ensure the long-term availability of electronic publications. Thereby, the transparent integration into existing library systems and the reuseability through memory institutions play a critical role.
In the implementation of the system, international standards for long-term archiving and metadata will be adopted. In this way, both sustainability and the ability to further develop the system are guaranteed.
As part of the project, massive amounts of digital materials of all types from two partner organizations, the German National Library and the Niedersaechsische Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Goettingen (Goettingen State and University Library), will be deposited. The materials will range from digital documents in the form of PDF, TIFF, or TeX files to complex objects like digital videos.
The technical operation of the long-term archive is located at the Gesellschaft fuer wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Goettingen. The participation of IBM Deutschland GmbH as a development partner enables the professional customization of the software components. IBM will also provide long-term support
Contact: Reinhard Alterhoener,
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Commercial systems
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- National libraries
- Standards
kulturarw3 heritage
Added 16 March 2004
For six years the Royal Library (KB) has collected Swedish web åages. Visitors at KB may now look at the collection at terminals in the library. The archive is not indexed, hence one must now the exact address of the page one wants to look at. The archive is available only within KB's realms.
The Royal Library (KB), Sweden's National Library has acquired, described, preserved and made available all swedish printed publications since the 17th century. Nowadays many documents are published only in digital form and the number of items increases rapidly. If we do not take care of this information, a considerable part of the swedish cultural heritage might be lost. Therefore the Royal Library has started a project with the aim of long time preservation of electronic information. The goal is to collect, preserve and make available swedish documents from the Internet. This lays the foundation of a collection of the swedish electronic publishing in our time and for future generations.
Contact: Allan Arvidson,
- Long-term preservation
- National libraries
- Web-archiving