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Added 16 March 2004
In its capacity as National Library of the Netherlands the KB is responsible for the Dutch deposit library. The aim of the deposit library is to collect, catalogue and preserve all publications appearing in the Netherlands. As the number of electronic publications is on the rise, the KB has embraced the important task of preserving and providing long-term access to Dutch electronic publications. It has developed a digital information archiving system which is the technical heart of the 'e-Depot' project. It is primarily intended for archiving publications by Dutch publishers. In addition, the KB's research initiatives are geared towards ensuring long-term access.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Commercial systems
- Long-term preservation
- National libraries
- Technology
ECPA: European Commission on Preservation and Access
Added 16 March 2004
The European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) was established in 1994 to promote activities aimed at keeping collections in European archives and libraries accessible over time. Books, documents, photographs, films, tapes and disks are all subject to decay. The digital revolution has introduced new problems of obsolescence of soft- and hardware. In order to keep our documentary heritage available for future generations of users, large-scale programmes must be developed for its preservation.
The ECPA aims to raise public awareness of this issue and to impress the urgency of the situation on policy makers, funding agents, and users. The ECPA acts as a European platform for discussion and cooperation of heritage organizations in areas of preservation and access. The publications of the Commission are widely distributed to institutions throughout Europe. To promote the exchange of knowledge and experience, the ECPA organizes conferences, meetings and workshops.
Contact: Fernanda Maria Campos,
- Access
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
Electronic Records, Public Records Office
Added 16 March 2004
Electronic records management is a key underpinning element in the government modernisation programme. The government has set a target for all central government organisations to be able to store and retrieve their public records electronically by 2004, to ensure that they are able to meet the demands of working in an electronic environment. The relationship of this target to e-government and modernisation is set out in the revised e-Government Policy Framework for Electronic Records Management, a joint Public Record Office / Office of the e-Envoy publication.
The PRO oversees achievement of this target, monitors progress and reports regularly to the Lord Chancellor. It has published a route map and milestones to guide departments. It provides advice and guidance, and a set of practical toolkits, to help departments and agencies make progress in developing electronic document and records management. There are also comprehensive background Guidelines on the Management, Appraisal and Preservation of Electronic Records.
- E-government
- Long-term preservation
ELEKTRA - Finnish Scientific Publications in Electronic Form
Added 16 March 2004
Elektra collects, publishes and archives the articles of the leading Finnish scientific journals in electronic form. It is a joint project between Helsinki University Library, The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and Kopiosto.
Elektra aims at enhancing both the services and the technical and contractual conditions of electronic publishing and network access of electronic publications in Finland.The Elektra material can be found via the Finnish national Arto article database. The use of the material is restricted to those institutions which have paid for it. Currently these institutions include all Finnish public libraries, all vocational high schools and most Finnish universities. Currently the Elektra material consists of more than 8000 full-text articles (mostly in pdf format) from circa 30 scientific journals. In addition to this, there are also 57 academic dissertations. The articles can be viewed on the screen or printed out on paper.
Contact: Jyrki Ilva,
- Electronic publishing
English Heritage
Added 16 March 2004
English Heritage aims to help people understand and appreciate why the historic buildings and landscapes around them matter. From the first traces of civilisation, to the most significant buildings of the 20th century, they want every important historic site to get the care and attention it deserves. English Heritage is composed by different subject areas, one of them, the Centre for Archaeology has developed strategies for managing its digital archives. The strategy is intended to establish best practice for the preservation of, and provision of access to, the full range of digital archaeological data of long-term value for which CfA is responsible.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Long-term preservation
EPICUR - Enhancement of Persistent Identifier Services: Comprehensive Method for Unequivocal Resource Identification
Added 16 March 2004
Persistent Identifiers are essential conditions for an effective management of digital resources and reliable access to electronic documents. Currently several persistent identifiers services have been established, however there is a general demand concerning the active introduction of persistent identifiers, further development of technical components of persistent identifier services and the establishment of an organisational infrastructure regarding persistent identifiers. In the framework of the project CARMEN-AP4 Die Deutsche Bibliothek implemented a Uniform Resource Name (URN) Management. The objective of the EPICUR project is to expand the existing PI-service to enable complementary application of several PI systems. At an international level a URN Information Centre shall be establishes in co-operation with the national library of Finland.
Contact: Kathrin Schroeder,
- Access
- Long-term preservation
- Persistent identifiers
Added 21 June 2005
By far one of the largest repositories of information on Digital Preservation. The various erpaProducts range from Guidance documents on the costing of digital preservation and implementing policies (among others), to critiques and contextualisation of all the important papers and materials so far produced. Case studies explore various companies' and Institutions' experiences of digital preservation and a large number of reports and papers offer access to the latest research in the field.
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
- Sustainability and costs
- Technology
Added 1 March 2005
eSPIDA is developing a sustainable business-focused model for digital preservation at an FE/HE Institution. It will bring digital preservation to the core of strategic thinking, planning and culture at the University of Glasgow and disseminate the model to the wider community.
Within the University, the espida project will gain a comprehensive understanding of the University’s diverse electronic assets and build a network of stakeholders and advocates. This network will help espida map the imperatives for storing and accessing digital materials (legal conditions, future research) and model an integrated rationale that the University can fully support.
- Academic research
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Consultancy
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Sustainability and costs
European Digital Library Project
Added 28 May 2007
European Digital Library Project
EDLproject is a Targeted Project funded by the European Commission under the eContentplus Programme and coordinated by the German National Library.
The project, started in September 2006, works towards the integration of the bibliographic catalogues and digital collections of the National Libraries of Belgium, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain and Sweden, into The European Library.
EDLproject also addresses the enhancement of multilingual capabilities of The European Library portal, takes first steps towards collaboration between The European Library and other non-library cultural initiatives, and expands the marketing and communication activities of The European Library service. To learn more click here.
- Digital libraries
- National libraries