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NDAD (UK National Digital Archive of Datasets )
Added 16 March 2004
NDAD is the UK National Digital Archive of Datasets, operated by the University of London Computer Centre (ULCC) on behalf of National Archives (Public Record Office and Historic Manuscripts Commission). Its aim is to conserve and, where possible, provide access to many computer datasets from Central Government departments and agencies, deemed worth of preservation by National Archives.
The data remains in the legal custody of National Archives, but is managed by ULCC. NDAD preserves this important data from the ravages of time and technology, and makes it freely available on the web.
- Long-term preservation
- National archives
nestor - Kompetenznetzwerk Langzeitarchivierung
Added 29 March 2004
The project's objective is to create a network of expertise in long-term storage of digital resources for Germany. As the perspective of current and future archive users is central to the project, the emphasis is put on long-term accessibility. Within the project the following offers will be created: a web-based information forum, a platform for information and communication, criteria for trusted digital repositories, recommendations for certification procedures of digital repositories, recommendations for collecting guidelines and selection criteria of digital resources to be archived, guidelines and policies, the concept for a permanent organisation form of the network of expertise in digital preservation. The long-term goal is a permanent distributed infrastructure for long-term preservation and long-term accessability of digital resources in Germany comparable e.g. to the Digital Preservation Coalition in the UK.
Contact: Dr. Heike Neuroth,
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- Standards
- Surveys
Nestor Catalogue of Criteria for Trusted Digital Repositories
Added 16 February 2007
The present criteria catalogue is principally aimed at memory organisations (archives, libraries, museums) and serves as a manual for devising, planning and implementing a trusted digital long-term repository. It can also be used at all stages of development for self-checking.
In addition, this catalogue is intended to provide guidance to all institutions currently administering archives, commercial and non-commercial service providers, and third party service providers.
The aim of this catalogue is to formulate criteria that can be used for a broad spectrum of digital long-term repositories and that will retain their validity over a longer period. The assumption is that a selection of relatively abstract criteria is appropriate. The criteria are each accompanied by extensive explanations and concrete examples from different fields. The examples are state-of-the-art in terms of technology and organisation, although in some cases they may only make sense within the context of a particular archiving task. They make no claim to being exhaustive.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Long-term preservation
- Trusted repositories
Networked European Deposit Library (NEDLIB)
Added 16 March 2004
NEDLIB was a collaborative project of European national libraries. It aimed to construct the basic infrastructure upon which a networked European deposit library can be built. The objectives of Nedlib concurred with the mission of national deposit libraries to ensure that electronic publications of the present can be used now and in the future.
The NEDLIB project ended on 31st January 2001. NEDLIB produced guidelines, standards and glossaries on digital preservation.
Contact: Ms Titia van der Werf,
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- National libraries
- Standards
Networking for Digital Preservation: Current Practice in 15 National Libraries
Added 25 July 2006
Libraries all over the world have to deal with fast growing numbers of digital materials that need to be safeguarded. Publications in digital form, online or on cd, digitised images, and born-digital objects need to be preserved and kept accessible. Especially for national libraries, safeguarding the digital heritage is a major issue, because of their legal task to preserve the national heritage of a country. Read more on the state of the art of digital repositories, preservation strategies and current projects in the national libraries of Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Contact: Ingeborg Verheul,
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- National libraries
- Standards
- Surveys
Nordic Web Archive
Added 16 March 2004
The Nordic Web Archive (NWA) is the Nordic National Libraries forum for co-ordination and exchange of experience in the fields of harvesting and archiving web documents. Since November 2000 until July 2002 the NWA cooperation were focused on developing software for accessing archived web documents. This activity was organized as a project with software developers at every Nordic National Library and a Project Manager at the National Library of Norway. The project was funded by Nordunet2 and the Nordic National Libraries. The outcome of the project, a solution for searching and navigating archived web document collections, was named "the NWA toolset". The NWA toolset was built using PHP and Perl. It utilizes open standards like the http protocol and XML extensively for communication between different parts of the system
Contact: Sverre Bang,
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- Standards
- Technology
- Web-archiving
NPO (National Preservation Office)
Added 16 March 2004
The British Library houses the National Preservation Office, which is jointly funded by the Library and other major national institutions.
The aim of the National Preservation Office is to provide an independent focus for ensuring the preservation and continued accessibility of library and archive material held in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
- Long-term preservation
- National libraries