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Open File [PPT, 624KB]
Organisations create and use increasingly digital information in conducting their business. The management and preservation of this digital information requires a different approach than paper-based information, particularly more active attention in order to prevent its loss. In order to develop an appropriate decision making process that will support this pro-active approach new methods are needed. Such a process has been developed in different European projects, such as Delos and Planets. This presentation discusses these new methods and explore the main components of the preservation planning process. An important part of it is the identification of requirements in a given business context. This presentation was delivered during the joint DPE/Planets/CAPAR/nestor training event, ‘The Preservation challenge: basic concepts and practical applications’ (Barcelona, March 2009).
Target Audiences:
- Policy makers
- Preservation Experts
- Preservation Managers
- Preservation Practitioners
- Preservation Trainers
- Hans Hofman
- Digital Preservation Strategy
- Evaluation of preservation strategies
- Management of digital preservation initiatives
- Planets
- Preservation Infrastructure
Digital Preservation Process: Preparation and Requirements
Open File [PPT, 668KB]
Openning presentation at Prague DPE training, 2008.
Target Audiences:
- Policy makers
- Preservation Experts
- Preservation Managers
- Preservation Practitioners
- Preservation Trainers
- Hans Hofman
- Digital Preservation Strategy
- Digital preservation tools
- Open Archival Information System
- Planets
- Representation information
- Significant properties
- Trusted Repositories
Digital Preservation: A Perspective on European Action and Research
Open File [PDF, 209KB]
Target Audiences:
- Funding bodies
- Novices
- Policy makers
- Manuela Speiser
- Preservation Planning
- Research and practitioner integration
DRAMBORA Interactive
Open File [PDF, 2115KB]
Presentation of interactive tool for digital repository self-assessment.
Target Audiences:
- Preservation Experts
- Preservation Managers
- Preservation Practitioners
- Hans Hofman
- Digital preservation tools
Data Audit Framework Development (DAFD) Project
Open File [PDF, 259KB]
The presentation was given at the Delos Summer School (Tirrenia, June 2008). It provides an overview of the Data Audit Framework research project and comments on current data curation issues in the UK. The Data Audit Framework is JISC-funded project that will provide a methodology and online toolkit to allow higher education institutions to identify what research data assets they hold, establish their location and investigate how they are currently being managed. The presentation provides some contextual information outlining the issues researchers face when creating and curating data, discuss how the tool seeks to resolve these, and provides details of how this work fits into JISC's overall data strategy. It describes the audit methodology and provides feedback on lessons learned from pilot audits so far.
Focus of Training:
It gives a general overview of the Data Audit Framework project: outlines the problem and proposed solution, describes DAF methodology and provides feedback on lessons learned from pilot audits so far.
Target Audiences:
- Internal auditors
- Preservation Experts
- Preservation Managers
- Preservation Practitioners
- Preservation Trainers
- Researchers
- Ms. Sarah Jones
- Data Audit Development (DAFD) Project
Digital Preservation – An Introduction
Open File [PPT, 359KB]
Presentation, which was delivered during the first DPE/Planets/nestor training event (Vilnius, October 2007), provides a general introduction in digital preservation and explains the key issues in this area. The aims of presentation are: explain the needs and challenges of digital preservation in general; provide an overview of the role of digital preservation in cultural heritage institutions; describe various aspects of digital preservation; explain the heterogeneity of the issues.
Focus of Training:
The focus lies on the challenges in this relatively new area.
Target Audiences:
- Preservation Experts
- Preservation Managers
- Preservation Practitioners
- Preservation Trainers
- Researchers
- Stefan Strathmann
- Introduction in Digital Preservation