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Open File [PPT, 786KB]
This presentation was delivered during the third WePreserve Forum 2009 (Barcelona, March 2009). It introduces German project - Network of expertise in Digital long-term preservation (nestor).
Target Audiences:
- Funding bodies
- Policy makers
- Preservation Experts
- Preservation Managers
- Preservation Practitioners
- Christian Keitel
- nestor
- The German approach to digital long-time preservation
nestor - the German approach to digital curation
Open File [PDF, 348KB]
Presentation of the Nestor project from Prague WePreserve Forum 2008.
Target Audiences:
- Funding bodies
- Novices
- Policy makers
- Preservation Experts
- Stefan Strathmann
- The German approach to digital long-time preservation
- What is „nestor“ ?