registry of repositories
The DPE Registry of Repositories is intended as a resource which will cover a representative group of digital repositories from within the European Union. The purpose of DPE is to further digital preservation among all those organisations capable of benefiting from it, including those which may not yet be fully aware of or responsive to the particular challenges posed by long-term preservation. DPE therefore uses the broadest possible definition of a Digital Repository, rather than restricting itself only to those organisations satisfying recognised standards such as OAIS or OAI-PMH. A suitably broad definition would be that adopted in the RLG-NARA document on Trusted Digital Repositories "an organization that intends to maintain information for access and use". For DPE purposes this definition can even be broadened slightly:
"A Digital Repository is any organisation which has a mandate to maintain digital information potentially or actually available for access and use"
Computing Science at the University of Aberdeen, University of Aberdeen
URL: http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/index.php
The Computing Science at the University of Aberdeen site provides details of undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by the Department, information about research interests, staff details, and links to research project pages. Abstracts of recent MSc projects, papers in PostScript format, and details of seminars and vacancies in the Department are also available.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 7th April 2008 by Colin Rosenthal
Microbiology Bytes, Dr Alan Cann
URL: http://www.microbiologybytes.com/index.html
Microbiology Bytes is an online resource developed by Dr Alan Cann. The aim of the site is to explore microbiology in a way that can be easily understood. The site includes a blog, video library, podcasts and online experiements. The author includes links to buy his books and CD rom but everything else is freely available.
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 7th April 2008 by Colin Rosenthal
Department of Computing at Imperial, Imperial College London
URL: http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/computing/
The Department of Computing site at Imperial College contains information about teaching, staff and students, and gives details about the research activities carried out. Seminars are listed and abstracts and some full-text technical reports are available. The technical library database can be searched for bibliographical details. A Dictionary of Computing is available. Some student papers can be found in Surveys and Presentations in Information Systems Engineering (SURPRISE), and many related resources are listed.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Department of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Bedfordshire, University of Bedfordshire
URL: http://www.luton.ac.uk/departments/computing/
The Department of Computing and Information Systems research interests include computer applications, computer visualisation, human computer interaction, neural networks for time series predictions, medical applications and vision systems in automation, and scientific visualisation of data from multi-dimensional sensor arrays. The site has contact details of staff members, information about the courses on offer, and news.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Department of Computing and Informatics at the University of Lincoln, University of Lincoln
URL: http://www.lincoln.ac.uk/dci/
The department offers a range of courses in computer science and informatics, specialising in the subjects of software engineering, medical informatics, games computing, computer vision and Internet computing. Courses are listed, staff contact details are given and information about research projects is provided, including access to some academic papers in PDF format.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
National Archive of Geological Photographs (NAGP), British Geological Survey (BGS)
URL: http://www.bgs.ac.uk...toarchive/search.cfm
The collection covers a wide range of recent and historical images dating back to the 1890s. Collection strengths are field geology of the UK, early mining and quarrying and an increasing number of historical photographs, the originals of which are from the BGS Library archive. The collection also covers rocks, thin sections, fossils and Scottish building stones, the latter including hand specimens and buildings. This online collection represents a far larger physical collection of over 100,000 images. Is part of - British Geological Survey (BGS)
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences at the University of Hertfordshire, University of Hertfordshire (UH)
URL: http://perseus.herts...com/dep_com_home.cfm
The Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences at the University of Hertfordshire site includes course information, details of research and commercial activities, and a staff directory.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Geological Society - Picture Library, Geological Society
URL: http://www2.geolsoc.....cfm?name=piclibrary
The Geological Society photo library is made up of a number of galleries arranged thematically.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Land Regeneration Network (LRN), Geoenvironmental Research Centre
URL: http://www.grc.cf.ac.uk/lrn/
The above network provides a platform for stakeholders in contaminated land and industrial waste management in Wales. Its aim is to be a forum where interested parties can exchange information and discuss the topics of waste, land regeneration and sustainable development. On site there is news, a diary of events, case studies (PDFs), guidance documents and much more. There is also an extensive links directory, which can be browsed by subject area. The Land regeneration Network is part of the Geoenvironmental Research Centre (GRC) of Cardiff University.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick, University of Warwick
URL: http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick site contains information about courses taught and research activities. Seminar abstracts and details of vacancies are listed. Selected publications, including reports and theses, from research group pages are available in PostScript or PDF format.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Cardiff School of Computer Science, Cardiff University
URL: http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/
The Cardiff School of Computer Science website includes descriptions, summaries, and links to the research projects currently running in the department. A list (by year) of department research publications is available. Staff details including research interests, abstracts of seminars, and descriptions of course modules are provided.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Irish Natural History Literature Online, CEDaR, National Museums Northern Ireland
URL: http://www.habitas.o...iterature/index.html
This bibliographic database contains over 22,000 entries relating to the natural environment of Ireland, and includes botany, zoology, geology as well as obituaries, book reviews, and information on former and current field clubs and natural history societies of Ireland. Each reference includes author, date of publication, title, journal, volume, page details and keywords. This site is still under development and there are plans to add further references and other datasets as they become available.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Department of Computer Science at the University of Sheffield, University of Sheffield
URL: http://www.shef.ac.uk/dcs/
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Sheffield site includes general departmental information, details of course modules and links to the research groups. Course notes, exercises and slides are available in PostScript format and news on jobs, studentships, events and activities is listed
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool (UCLS): Technical Reports, University of Liverpool
URL: http://www.csc.liv.a...rts/techreports.html
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool (UCLS): Technical Reports site contains a collection of computer science technical reports produced by researchers at the University of Liverpool. Abstracts and full-text are both available, and reports are listed by year of publication (from 2001 onwards).
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Important Plant Areas in Europe (IPA) Database, PLANTLIFE
URL: http://www.plantlifeipa.org/reports.asp
This database holds information on Important Plant Areas in Europe. Currently the database holds information on IPAs in Belarus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia. In the next two years more information will be added about sites in Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia (FYR), Montenegro and the United Kingdom. The IPA database is set up for use in Europe, but in the future it is intended that it will be expanded to accommodate data from other parts of the world.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Department of Computer Science at the University of Kent, University of Kent
URL: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Kent site contains information about the research groups contains opportunities for research, current and recent projects, details of laboratory seminars with abstracts, and full-text publications in PDF or PostScript format. Information is also available about computer science degree programmes with links to the university undergraduate prospectus, staff interests, industry partnerships and placements. There are also bibliographic details of articles, books, and conference proceedings, some with abstracts, details of vacancies, events, and the national and international services and facilities based at Kent.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
British Antartic Survey, Natural Environment Research Council
URL: http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/
he British Antarctic Survey (BAS) website contains extensive information on research, groups, stations, scientific programmes, data, publications and meetings. The BAS is responsible for almost all of the British Government's scientific research in the Antarctic, South Georgia, and the South Sandwich Islands. Detailed information is given on research projects,and key topics are highlighted on the home page. The school zone section provides resources for teachers and students. The site also gives access to a number of databases, including the Antarctic Digital Database (ADD).
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Department of Computer Science at the University of Hull, University of Hull
URL: http://www.net.dcs.hull.ac.uk/
This academic site gives information on the research activities of the department into simulation and visualisation, distributed systems engineering, neural, emergent and agent technologies and Internet computing and technology. Information on courses and job vacancies is also given. Publications are listed and an authoring and delivery tool that simplifies the authoring of online multimedia presentations for eLearning is available to download.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 21st January 2008 by DRAI
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
URL: http://www.gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk/
One of 47 local wildlife trusts in Britain, the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust website provides news and information on the water and wetlands in the area, wildlife gardening, land use and agriculture. Pages also list the nature reserves in the county, together with information on composting. An archive of press releases and news stories is available online, and the annual report is available for downloading. Local information can be accessed through an interactive map on the home page, and there is a search facility.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 18th January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 18th January 2008 by DRAI
Department of Computer Science at the University of Durham, University of Durham
URL: http://www.dur.ac.uk/computer.science/
The Department of Computer Science research interests include software and system visualisation, software design, theory and reuse, social informatics and reverse engineering. The site includes downloads of technical reports in PostScript format, seminar series information, details of the research groups and staff vacancies. The course handbooks include module information with PowerPoint slides of lectures and book lists.
Country: The United Kingdom
Uploaded 18th January 2008 by DRAI
Last Edited 18th January 2008 by DRAI