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Name: Land Regeneration Network (LRN) Institution: Geoenvironmental Research Centre Address: Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Queens Buildings, The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 3AA URL: Country: The United Kingdom Description:
The above network provides a platform for stakeholders in contaminated land and industrial waste management in Wales. Its aim is to be a forum where interested parties can exchange information and discuss the topics of waste, land regeneration and sustainable development. On site there is news, a diary of events, case studies (PDFs), guidance documents and much more. There is also an extensive links directory, which can be browsed by subject area. The Land regeneration Network is part of the Geoenvironmental Research Centre (GRC) of Cardiff University.
OAI-PMH status known? No Supports OAI-PMH? No OAI-PMH Metadata Streams:
Z39.50 Support? No Has some full-texts? No Open Access? Yes Access Rights: Available to all Legal Mandate to Preserve? No Ingest Policy: Long Term Preservation Strategy: no
Uploaded: 21 January 2008 by DRAI Last Edited: 21 January 2008 by DRAI
Quarantine Status: Not quarantined
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