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Name: Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool (UCLS): Technical Reports Institution: University of Liverpool Address: University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX URL: Country: The United Kingdom Description:
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool (UCLS): Technical Reports site contains a collection of computer science technical reports produced by researchers at the University of Liverpool. Abstracts and full-text are both available, and reports are listed by year of publication (from 2001 onwards).
OAI-PMH status known? No Supports OAI-PMH? No OAI-PMH Metadata Streams:
Z39.50 Support? No Has some full-texts? No Open Access? Yes Access Rights: Available to all Legal Mandate to Preserve? No Ingest Policy: Long Term Preservation Strategy: no
Uploaded: 21 January 2008 by DRAI Last Edited: 21 January 2008 by DRAI
Quarantine Status: Not quarantined
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