Staff Directory
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Aitken, Mr Brian
DPE Website Developer
Tel: (0141) 330 3392
Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII)
University of Glasgow
Brian Aitken is a designer and developer of Web based information management systems with five years' professional experience working in the Cultural Heritage sector and in academic institutions in the UK. He has been employed both as sole developer and as leader of a development team on a wide range of successful web based projects, most recently the Digital Curation Centre, DigitalPreservationEurope and Planets. Prior to this he was responsible for developing the DigiCULT website and contributed to the development of ERPANET. He has also developed management systems and websites for several successful digitisation projects, including TheGlasgowStory, its spin-offs OurGlasgowStory and TheClydebankStory, and several History of Art websites including CARP. He has also developed a website for the University of Glasgow's Roll of Honour and is currently developing a website for French Emblem texts.

Andersen, Bjarne
State and University Library, Aarhus, Denmark
Århus C
Bjarne Andersen has a masters degree in information technology and multimedia from Aarhus Universitet. He has been at the library for 6 years starting out as a developer building digital information systems. He has been heavily involved in establishing the Danish national webarchive ( and is now in charge of the daily operation of that. He is a member of the Technical Commitee of the IIPC ( He is also involved in the PLANETS project
( on a strategic level. Further more he is now head of the "Digital Ressources" IT-development group at the library and in that position responsible for administration of the overall involvement in projects for that group of 8 people.

Becker, MSc Christoph
Project assistant
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Software Technology and
Interactive Systems
Favoritenstrasse 9-11/188/2
1040 Wien
Christoph Becker is currently a PhD researcher at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems at the Vienna University of Technology. He received his BSc and MSc in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology in 2004 and 2006, respectively.
Since 1998, he has been working as an independent IT consultant and software architect in a wide range of IT projects in different domains.
He has published several papers in reviewed international conferences and is actively involved in various research projects in the field of Digital Preservation. His main research interest in Digital Preservation is Preservation Planning.
For more information please visit

Bergamin, Giovanni
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze
G. Bergamin is the head of ICT services at Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze BNCF) since 1990. He was born in 1952 and he got the first-class degree in Philosophy at University of Padua in 1976. On behalf of BNCF he has been involved in important European project (ex. g. CDBIB, EDILIBE, NEDLIB, TEL) and in national working groups and Committees on library ICT management and on digital libraries.
He is the author of articles on library ICT management and he has been involved in teaching experiences on library and information science.
Brocks, Holger
Tel: +49 2331 987 4775
FernUniversität in Hagen
Universitätsstrasse 1
58097 Hagen
Holger Brocks is a computer scientist who graduated from the Universität Trier at the department of computer science in February 2000. His master thesis was created at the Institut für Telematik , a subsidiary of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft.
From 2000 to 2006 he worked at Fraunhofer IPSI in the DELITE (Virtual Information and Knowledge Environments) and ConTec (Intelligent Content Technologies) divisions. In 2006 he joined the chair of multimedia and internet applications at FernUniversität in Hagen.
His research interests cover digital libraries, digital preservation, process-oriented knowledge management, multi-agent systems, collaborative working environments and semantic web technologies in general.

Cannon, Graeme
Tel: +44 (0) 141 330 5083
Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII)
University of Glasgow
Graeme Cannon is employed as Research Support Co-ordinator in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Glasgow. Since 1997 he has provided technical support and development work for a number of humanities research projects involving XML/TEI markup, databases, digital imaging and web design. These have included digitisation projects concerned with the correspondence of James McNeill Whistler and William Henry Fox Talbot. Current projects include the digitisation of 16th century emblem books and a catalogue raisonné for the etchings of James McNeill Whistler.
Prior to 1997 he was employed by Glasgow Museums and Arts Galleries in the field of collections management and object conservation.
Graeme is currently assisting Brian Aitken with the maintenance of the DPE website.

Christensen-Dalsgaard, Birte
Tel: +45 89 46 23 80
State and University Library, Aarhus, Denmark
Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard is Director of Development at the State and University Library and is responsible for the groups working on digital archives, user-oriented web services and usability. Since joining the library, she has been engaged in work on IT architectures for digital libraries and conducting and managing research into preservation. She was a member of the national committee working on recommendations to the Parliament on relevant measures to secure digital cultural heritage.
Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard has overall responsibility for the execution of DPE work at The State and University Library.

Cirinna, Chiara
Tel: +39 055 261 39 05
Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale
via Bufalini 6
50122 Firenze
Chiara Cirinnà works for the Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale (FRD) as coordinator of projects dealing with the issues of digital preservation. She is also engaged and interested in the field of knowledge management through the use of semantic web applications. She is a Contracted Lecturer at the University of Florence where she holds a course in the Department of Industrial Design at the Faculty of Architecture; she is involved in some research activities with the University of Florence. She holds a PhD in Technology of Architecture, with a thesis on web-based systems for scientific data collection and management. She has experience in the Cultural Heritage sector and she participates at projects at national and European level. Moreover she organised and promoted events in the cultural domain: recently she organised a technical workshop with the Italian National Council for Research.

Davidson, Joy

Di Iorio, Angela
Tel: +39 055 261 39 05
Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale
via Bufalini 6
50122 Firenze
Angela Di Iorio is expert of metadata standards for digital libraries and preservation and is member of national study group for digital libraries of the Association of Italian Libraries. Works for Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale and is involved in research and documentation.
Has been working for Università di Roma “La Sapienza” for three years as information system analyst and recently as technologist project manager of a digital library project (PRODIGI) dealing with digitization and access to heterogeneous material.
Master degree in Informatics for cultural heritage at Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia; dissertation about a cooperative organization model for the knowledge domain management based on semantic web technologies.
Has published in Apr. 2004 a monograph of her bachelor’s dissertation of a pilot project for metadata architecture as foundation of a digital information infrastructure.
Has taught Internet services deployment, design and programming of database and web architecture, e-government and archival informatics in professional training schools.
Consulting activity oriented to the preservation issues of different institutional digital libraries. Has worked for thirteen years at Computing Information Services of Università del Molise as technologist designer of university’s web services and initially as computer programmer.

Dobratz, Susanne
Electronic Publishing Group (Library and Computer-and Media Service) of Humboldt-University Berlin
Susanne Dobratz is head of the Electronic Publishing Group (Library and Computer-and Media Service) of Humboldt-University Berlin.
She holds a Diploma in Computer Science and is working for Humboldt-University since 1997, where she supervised several projects in the field of electronic publishing and digital libraries for her university, amongst those: Dissertation Online, Open Archives Forum, nestor, reuse. Her current research interests are: institutional repositories, digital repository certification, standardization, preservation metadata and multimedia preservation. She is chair of the nestor Working Group on Trusted Repository Certification. She also plays an very active part within DINI, the German Initiative for Networked Information, where she is Speaker of the DINI Electronic Publishing Working Group that concentrates on supporting Open Access and the emergence of Institutional Repositories in Germany. She gives also lectures in Electronic Publishing and Digital Preservation at Humboldt-University, University of Innsbruck and at the Bavarian Library School.

Fail, John

Fenton, Candida
Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII); University of Glasgow
Candida Fenton is currently working on research into trusted digital repositories for the CASPAR project. She brings ten years of experience of information work to the project having worked at Glasgow University Library, Glasgow Centre for the Study of Violence at Glasgow Caledonian University and as Librarian at Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital. She has an MSc in Information and Library Studies from Strathclyde, and a first degree in Information Science and Geography. At present she is studying for an MSc in Information Management and Preservation at the University of Glasgow, and is a chartered member of CILIP and a student member of the Society of Archivists.
Phone: +44 (0)141 330 5165
Fax: +44 (0)141 330 3788

Glosiene, Audrone
Tel: +370 5 268 7126
Universiteto 3, 01122
Professor Audrone Glosiene is a general director of Vilnius University Library. She has been a director of Institute of Library and Information science, Faculty of Communication at Vilnius University till 2006. Her membership of professional bodies includes: being a Board Member of EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research), and NORSLIS (Nordic-Baltic Library and information research education network); Editorial board member of Information Research, electronic journal, Knygotyra; Vilnius University Research papers. She has coordinated OSI and EU projects (Tempus, Leonardo da Vinci) and participated in several EU projects under IST FP5 including PubliCA, Pulman and Cultivate-CEE. She was an expert for the Open Society Institute and Open Society Fund-Lithuania (1998-2004), and currently is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences Development Strategy Group of the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania. Her publications include four books and over sixty articles in Lithuania and abroad.

Harvey, Ross

Hemmje, Matthias
FernUniversität in Hagen
Universitätsstrasse 1
58097 Hagen
Matthias Hemmje is full professor at FUH since 2004 holding a chair for multimedia and internet applications. His primary research interests include information retrieval, multimedia databases, virtual environments, information visualization, visual interaction, and multimedia. Before joining the university, he was responsible for the acquisition and management of research projects in GMD-IPSI’s research division (OASYS), division manager of the DELITE - Virtual Information and Knowledge Environments research division at Fraunhofer IPSI, full Professor for Computer Science, Chair for Media Informatics, at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, and full Professor for Computer Science, Chair for Media Technology, at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science.

Heutelbeck, Dominic
FernUniversität in Hagen
Universitätsstrasse 1
58097 Hagen
Dominic Heutelbeck received a Diploma in Computer Science at the University of Dortmund in 2000. Since 2001 he worked at the Computer Science Department of the University of Hagen for the Chair of Collaborative Applications and since 2004 for the Chair of Internet Applications. In 2005 Dominic Heutelbeck received a PhD degree. The research of Dominic Heutelbeck covers distributed collaborative applications, peer-to-peer computing, network protocol design, mobile computing, middleware and knowledge management.

Hofman, Hans
Nationaal Archief
P.O. Box 90520
2595 LK
Den Haag
Hans Hofman is senior advisor on digital longevity at the Nationaal Archief of the Netherlands. He has acted as co-director of ERPANET. He is involved in several committees at government and municipal level with respect to metadata, digital preservation and open standards. On the international scene he is, co-investigator and representative of the Nationaal Archief in the Inter Pares 2 research project (, since 2000 representing the Netherlands in the ISO TC46/SC11 on Records Management, in which committee he is chair of the Working Group on RM metadata, and he represents the Nationaal Archief in recent European projects such as the preservation cluster of the DELOS2-project, PLANETS and Digital Preservation Europe

Hutar, Mr. Jan
Tel: cell phone +420777996269
National Library of the Czech Republic
Czech Republic
Jan Hutař works in the department of electronic online resources from 2003. He is engaged and interested in field of web resources archiving and metadata description in general. Involved in policy developing of the Czech WebArchive from 2003 up to the present time. Member of the team responsible for all issues about proposed Czech National Digital Library. He participates on the Culture2000 project „Web Cultural Heritage“ 2005/2006.
He is postgraduate student of Information Science at the Information Science and Librarianship Institute, Charles University in Prague. He spent 6 months in 2005 on scholarship in the Library of the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.
Innocenti, Perla
Tel: +44 (0)141 330 5165
Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII)
University of Glasgow
Perla Innocenti is a Preservation Researcher at HATII, University of Glasgow. She is currently involved in repository design, audit research and repository usage models as part of DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE) and Preservation and Long-term Access through NETworked Services (PLANETS). She has a background as a researcher specialising in information systems for industrial design and as a digital librarian at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, where she coordinated digital library, digitization, thesauri and library portal projects. She has worked as a consultant and collaborator in digital libraries and e-learning projects and is author and co-author of numerous publications. Perla studied at University of Rome "La Sapienza" and Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.
Junge, Jette
Tel: +45 8946 2054
State and University LibraryUniversitetsparken
Jette Junge has been employed with State and University Library (SB) in Aarhus since December 2006. She is involved in the SB's project administration for the DPE and Planets projects. In Planets she is furthermore involved in the dissemination and outreach activities. She holds a Masters Degree in Nordic and European Prehistoric Archeology.

Karvelyte, Vilma
Tel: + 370 686 06991
Universiteto street 3
Vilma Karvelyte received her BA in Information and Communication Science and MA in Public Relations at the Vilnius University Faculty of Communication, and now she works here as a junior research worker. She spent 6 months in 2003 in Oulu University, Department of Information Studies (Finland). Since June of 2005 she is working as a System supervision Consultant in Ltd Sintagma. Moreover she works in organizational committees of different cultural events.

Knoll, Mr Adolf
Tel: +420-603-223514
National Library of the Czech Republic
Klementinum 190
Praha 1
Czech Republic
Director for Science, Research International Co-operation and Deputy Director-General at the National Library of the Czech Republic. Since 1992 he is responsible for the Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica, a programme of digital access to rare library materials – see the digital library Manuscriptorium. From 1995-1996 he was a member of the ad-hoc EU committee for co-operation with CEE libraries. From 1996 on he has been responsible for the Czech participation in several European projects in the Telematics for Libraries and later IST area (since the 4th FP) and Eureka. From 2003-2005 he was teaching digitization courses for librarians at home and abroad, mostly on behalf of the OSI Network Library Programme. From 1997-2000 he was a member of the UNESCO International Advisory Committee for the Memory of the World programme; since 1996 he is a member of its Sub-Committee on Technology. He is the author of many publications and articles, mostly on digitization. He held presentations at various international seminars and conferences. He was also the main administrator of several RTD and other projects concerning digitization and related technologies. He is also author of XML schemas used as national standards for digitized periodicals and digitized monographs - see also He was the architect of success at the National Library when it was awarded the world UNESCO Jikji prize for work in preservation of and digital access to documentary heritage in 2005. He is member of the High Level Expert Group on Digital Libraries of the European Commission and member of the Strategy Group for coordinating Library Archive and Museum Cooperation in the European Digital Library at the European Commission.

Kupriene, Jurate
Tel: +370 614 44939
Universiteto street 3
A junior research worker and doctoral student at the Institute of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Communication at Vilnius University. A Master in Communication and Information, who received the degree in Vilnius University in 2003. Together with prof. Audrone Glosiene she participated in the EU funded project Cultivate-CEE. She also is a consultant for software of libraries and archives in Lithuania.

Lauzikas, Rimvydas
Universiteto street 3
Dr. Rimvydas Lauzikas, a lecturer at the Institute of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Communication at Vilnius University. A Master in History, Vilnius University 1995. He is a chief curator of the collections at Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology and Chair of committee on the preservation of museum collections, Lithuanian museum association as well as Board member of Lithuanian Standards Board, TK 47 Information and documentation.

Lunghi, Maurizio
Tel: +30 055 261 39 05
Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale
via Bufalini 6
50122 Firenze
Maurizio Lunghi holds a degree in Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications and Telematics. He has been working from 2000 to 2003 for the European Commission as expert on cultural heritage applications. He has been involved in the selection, evaluation and management of many projects in the cultural domain as a project officer of the European Commission. He has been engaged in crucial digital preservation activities and in mobilising EU-wide coordination activities like the Lund Principles and Action Plan. He coordinated the activities of the “Firenze agenda” expert workgroup on behalf of the Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico of the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage. In September 2004 he cooperated with the Ministry of Culture in The Netherlands, under the Dutch EU-Presidency, on digital memory preservation, producing a list of priorities for policy-makers with the “Firenze agenda” experts. In 2005 he acted as a consultant for the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture in the coordination framework of the National Representatives Group for the organisation of the EU-Presidency. Since 2004 he has been the Scientific Director of the Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale (FRD).

Manzuch, Zinaida
Universiteto str. 3
Doctoral student and research assistant at Library and Information Science Institute, Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University

McHugh, Mr Andrew
Tel: 01413302675
United Kingdom
Andrew McHugh, advisory services manager for the UK Digital Curation Centre since 2004, leads a world-class team of digital curation practitioners in offering leading-edge expertise and insight in a range of issues. His most recent work at the DCC has involved leading much of its work in trusted repository Audit and Certification. McHugh also lectures on multimedia systems and design on the MSc in Information Technology run by the Computing Science Department at the University of Glasgow.

Messina, Maurizio
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana - San Marco, 7
30124 Venezia
Maurizio Messina holds a degreee in Political sciences and a postgraduate diploma in librarianship and bibliography. He is been working from 1985 for the Ministry for Heritage and Cultural Activities in the National Marciana Library in Venice, as Responsible for Information Services, and he is now Deputy Director of the library. From 1985 on he has been coordinator of the venetian hub of the Italian National Library Service (the national cooperation network of Italian libraries), which aggregates 25 libraries of the cities of Venice and Treviso and runs a database of over 500.000 records. He is responsible for the digitisation projects of the musical collections of the Marciana library, and coordinator of the Digital Libraries Working Group of the Italian Libraries Association.

Neumayer, Robert
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems
Information and Software Engineering Group
Favoritenstrasse 9-11/188/1
A-1040 Vienna
In 2005 I received my degree in Business Informatics from the University of Vienna. After that I spent a year at Trinity College Dublin as an Erasmus student. Since July 2006 I've been employed as research assistant at the Institute for Interactive Systems and Software Technology of the Vienna University of Technology. My main research interests include: Information Retrieval, Data Mining, and Digital Preservation

Neuroth, Heike
Goettingen State and University Library (SUB)
Heike Neuroth is head of the research and development department of the Goettingen State and University Library in Goettingen, Germany (SUB). She furthermore is the secretary of the German Initiative of Network Information (DINI). She received her PhD in Earth Sciences from the Georg-August University of Goettingen in 1997 and her MA in Library Sciences from the Humboldt-University of Berlin in 2001. She gives lectures in library and information sciences at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam (Germany) and at the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Technik in Chur (Switzerland). Heike Neuroth is actively involved in several research projects in the field of digital libraries, focussing on developments in information retrieval (web services, portals) as well as long-term preservation of digital objects. Recently she focussed on two other research topics: grid technology and e-science. Furthermore she is member and/or chair of several national and international working groups and advisory boards.
Tel: +49 (0)551 39 3866
Goettingen State and University Library (SUB)
Papendiek 14
37073 Göttingen

Petrauskiene, Zibute
Tel: +370 5 268 71 24
Universiteto 3, LT-01122
Žibutė Petrauskienė is head of VUL (Vilnius University Library) Department of User Service; graduate student (Dr.) of VU CF (Faculty of Communication of Vilnius University).
Education: Vilnius University. Dates attended: 1981-1986. Diploma in Library and Information Science, 1986. Graduate school: doctoral student of Vilnius University Faculty of Communication; since 2002.
She is responsible for organisation of public service, database subscribing and use, instruction of users and development of electronic information services in the Library. Give lecture course of Electronic information services in library for students of VU Comunication Faculty. Ž. Petrauskienė participated in projects:
TEMPUS (1998-98); UNESCO Memory of the World (1997-1998); BTMC (2000-2002); DELCIS (2001-2003); PHARE 2000 ŽIPF Initiative of librarians' learning - assumption of growth of informational society (2003); DPE - Digital preservation Europe (2006-2008).

Prokopcik, Marija
Tel: +370 5 2496 685
Information Office of the Council of Europe
Gedimino pr.51, LT - 01109
Marija Prokopčik is the Director of the Information office of the Council of Europe in Vilnius. She also is Associate Professor (part time) at the Institute of Library and Information Science at the Vilnius University.

Rauber, Prof. Andreas
Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems
Vienna University of Technology
Favoritenstr. 9-11/188
A-1040 Vienna
Andreas Rauber is Associate Professor at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems (ifs) at the Vienna University of Technology (TU-Wien). He furthermore is head of the iSpaces research group at the eCommerce Competence Center (ec3).
He received his MSc and PhD in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology in 1997 and 2000, respectively. In 2001 he joined the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) in Pisa as an ERCIM Research Fellow, followed by an ERCIM Research position at the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA), at Rocquencourt, France, in 2002.
In 1998 he received the ÖGAI Award of the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence (ÖGAI), and the Cor-Baayen Award of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) in 2002. He has published numerous papers in refereed journals and international conferences and served as PC member and reviewer for several major journals, conferences and workshops. He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence (ÖGAI). He serves on the board of the IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (TCDL), and is a member of the DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries as well as the MUSCLE Network of Excellence on Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning.
He is actively involved in several research projects in the field of Digital Libraries, focusing on the organization and exploration of large information spaces, as well as Web archiving and digital preservation.
His research interests cover the broad scope of digital libraries, including specifically text and music information retrieval and organization, information visualization, as well as data analysis and neural computation.

Rosenthal, Dr. Colin
Tel: +45 89462074 / 20737215
State and University Library, Aarhus, Denmark
Århus C
Colin Rosenthal is an IT-Developer at The State and University Library where he has been involved in developing a number of major digital repository projects including the Danish national internet archive, the Danish Radio & TV Archive and an archive of material harvested from Danish Institutional Repositories. Dr. Rosenthal is responsible for the co-ordination of The State and University Library's contribution to DPE and is co-ordinator for DPE's workpackage on Digital Repositories.

Ross, Professor Seamus
Principal Director
HATII, University of Glasgow
George Service House
11 University Gardens
Scotland, UK
Seamus Ross is Professor of Humanities Informatics and Digital Curation and Founding Director of HATII (Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute) ( at the University of Glasgow. He is an Associate Director of the Digital Curation Centre in the UK (, a co-principal investigator in the DELOS Digital Libraries Network of Excellence (, and Principal Director of DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE) ( He was Principal Director of ERPANET, a European Commission activity to enhance the preservation of cultural heritage and scientific digital objects (, and a key player in The Digital Culture Forum (DigiCULT Forum) which worked to improve the take-up of cutting edge research and technology by the cultural heritage sector ( Before joining the University of Glasgow he was Head of ICT at the British Academy and a technologist at a company specialising in knowledge engineering. He earned a doctorate from the University of Oxford. Some of his publications are available at During 2005/6 Seamus Ross is Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.

Ruusalepp, Raivo
Nationaal Archief
Den Haag
Raivo Ruusalepp joined DPE from December 2006, and he is working (part time) on the DPE audit and certification services at the National Archives of Netherlands.
Raivo has an MA in computing applications for history from University of London. He has worked with digital archives and electronic records management for more than ten years, last 6 years of these as a consultant with the Estonian Business Archives.
Saikovic, Jelena
Tel: + 370 60673742
Universiteto street 3
Librarian at Vilnius University Library. Responsible for staff competency development.
Sgambati, Giuliana
Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information (ICCU)
At the Department of Methodology of Cataloguing (ICCU), she collaborates to the "Handbook for Cataloguing in SBN" (Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale - Italian Libraries National Network) and she is involved in the librarians skills in serial publications cataloguing standards. Member of UNI/DIAM SC9, works on presentation, identification and description of documents management.
At the Department for National Bibliographic Control she is member of many Committees, Commissions and Working Groups, at national level, in the new methodologies and technologies for Italian libraries network.
After being Director of Library of National Gallery of modern Art in Rome, she is now Responsible of Department for National Bibliographic Control and of the project “Italian Digital Library and Cultural Tourist Network”.

Snow, Kellie
Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII); University of Glasgow
Kellie has a library and research background, including an MSc in Information and Library Management. She will be contributing to the organisation and development of the DPE training programme as part of the Training and Continuing Professional Development Workpackage. In addition to her work on DPE Kellie also represents HATII in the EU-funded PLANETS and CASPAR projects, where she is responsible for co-ordination of training programmes and research into digital collection usage.
Telephone: +44 (0)141 330 3720
Spezia, Susanna
General Directorate for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes – DGBLIC
Made her experience of European and international projects at the Observatory for International Libraries and Archives Programmes – OPIB and collaborated at the activities of the Department for National Bibliographic Control at the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information – ICCU.
Has organised, during Italy’s upcoming six-month Presidency of the European Union in 2003, the Firenze International Conference finalised into the Firenze Agenda which, promoted by Minerva and Erpanet projects, had the aim to point out concrete actions and develop skills and framework in the digital preservation.
She is actually engaged on coordination programmes of digitisation project (Italian Digital Library), improving integrated access system at the traditional and digital resources with the creation of a cultural portal (Internet Cultural).
Stoklasova, PhDr. Bohdana
Tel: +420-731-612 420
National Library of the Czech Republic
Klementinum 190
Czech Republic
Bohdana Stoklasova is an Acting Director of Library Collections and Services at the National Library of the Czech Republic. She is responsible for daily operation of the library and also for different research activities and projects connected with development of library services. The project Czech Books Published in the 20th century resulted in online availability of records covering Czech books published in the 20th century. She was deeply involved in implementation of international standards (MARC 21, AACR2R, LCSH, UDC,Conspectus) in Czech libraries. Her leadership of the Uniform Information Gateway Portal enriched the services of Czech libraries with the national portal integrating heterogeneous national and international information resources and subject gateways. All the projects under her responsibility were connected with the “hot” library topics necessary for library development as they developed during her professional career. Very recently she was responsible for the library part of the International Architectural Competition for the New Building of the National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague focused mainly on the „physical“ library and also for the Concept of the Czech National Digital Library . Digital Preservation is one of key parts of this concept. Bohdana Stoklasova was the chair of the IFLA Bibliography Section in 2002-2005 and she is well known for many of her books and presentations covering her involvement in all the areas listed above.

Strathmann, Stefan
Tel: +49 (0) 551 39 7806
Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
- Goettingen State and University Library, Germany (SUB) -
Research & Development
Historisches Gebäude
Papendiek 14
37073 Göttingen

Strodl, Stephan
Tel: +43 (1) 58801 18875
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems
Information and Software Engineering Group
Stephan Strodl is currently a researcher assistant at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems at the Vienna University of Technology. He is a student of business informatics and computer science. His research interest is digital preservation, and he is involved in various research projects in the field of Digital Preservation.

Williams, Karen
Tel: + 45 89 46 23 05
State and University Library
8000 Aarhus C
Aarhus C
Karen Williams holds a Masters Degree in English and Nordic Studies. Since 1999 she has worked as a project manager in the public library sector in Denmark. She currently works as a project manager at State and University Library and is involved in DPE in a consultative role. She is also involved in Planets as well as various digitization and dissemination activities at State and University Library.

Witham, Emily
Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII); University of Glasgow
Emily Witham has a Library and Information Management background and has worked in a variety of sectors. She has an MSC in Information and Library Studies and is a member of CILIP.
Her main areas of work within DPE are in Quality Assurance, Project Administration and Resource Monitoring, Partnership Building and Advocacy and Outreach.
Tel: +44(0)141 330 3720
Fax: +44(0)141 330 3788