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Added 25 July 2006
The National Library of Australia's Preserving Access to Digital Information (PADI) initiative aims to provide mechanisms that will help to ensure that information in digital form is managed with appropriate consideration for preservation and future access.
Its objectives are: to facilitate the development of strategies and guidelines for the preservation of access to digital information; to develop and maintain a web site for information and promotion purposes; to actively identify and promote relevant activities; and to provide a forum for cross-sectoral cooperation on activities promoting the preservation of access to digital information. The PADI web site is a subject gateway to digital preservation resources. It has an associated discussion list padiforum-l for the exchange of news and ideas about digital preservation issues.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Standards
- Web-archiving
Added 8 April 2005
A joint project of the Universites of Oxford and Manchester to explore the issues involved in preserving digital private papers through gaining practical experience in accessioning and ingesting digital private papers into digital repositories, and processing these in line with archival and digital preservation requirements.
Contact: Susan Thomas,
- Academic research
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Research libraries
- Standards
- Technology
PARADIGM project Workbook on Digital Private Papers
Added 27 February 2008
Best-practice guidelines in the form of a workbook on issues relating to the archiving of personal papers in digital form, made available in sections as they are completed
- Best practice for digital preservation
- General
- Institutional repositories
Partnering in copyright
Added 3 August 2006
Open Access (OA) enables research to meet its full potential by maximising its dissemination and, therefore, usage. This access model is, however, a relatively new one which brings with it a number of challenges, not least of how to manage copyright in the OA environment in a fair and balanced way.
This web site, created as part of the JISC-SURF 'Partnering On Copyright' programme, aims to contribute to a better understanding and awareness of copyright issues regarding OA through the provision of information resources for academic authors, HEI managers and librarians/institutional repository (IR) managers.
Resources include information on OA, self-archiving and copyright targeted at particular stakeholders and also brief general guides on these issues. Practical digital tools have also been created as part of the programme, which can be actively used in order to help encourage, promote and, ultimately, achieve the goal of OA.
Contact: C.D. Jenkins,
- Academic research
- Copyright and licensing
- Electronic publishing
- Open Access
Planetarium - Planets newsletter no. 6
Added 2 March 2009
Planetarium 6 contains a spotlight on the Planets Testbed, a controlled environment where preservation tools can be tested and evaluated. This issue also features articles about Planets beyond 2010 and the Planets all staff meeting. In addition you will find a list of Planets publications and presentations at events, including e.g. iPRES, ECDL2008, RCDL’08, and both the award winning Plato and the SIARD tools presentation are briefly described.
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
Added 25 July 2006
PLANETS will deliver a distributed service environment for the management of digital information preservation, with a special focus on the needs of organisations having the preservation of social and cultural memory as a core task. This includes planning services, methodologies, tools and services for characterisation of digital objects, innovative solutions for preservation actions, and an interoperability framework to seamlessly integrate tools and services in a distributed service network. The project will enable organisations to improve decision-making about long term preservation, ensure long-term access to their valued digital content and control the costs of preservation through increased automation and a scaleable infrastructure.
Contact: Adam Farquahar,
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Long-term preservation
Planets Newsletter no. 1
Added 24 October 2008
The first Planets newsletter features: the cost of digital obsolesence, establishing the project, and designing the preservation tools and services.
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
- Sustainability and costs
Planets Newsletter no. 2
Added 24 October 2008
The second Newsletter from the Planets project - describing project progress, the collaboration with other EU projects, the first review by the European Commission etc
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
Planets Newsletter no. 3
Added 24 October 2008
The third Planets newsletter describes the project's progress, recent and future dissemination activities, Planets publications and presentations etc.
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
Planets Newsletter no. 4
Added 24 October 2008
The fourth Planets newsletter describes the project's progress, recent and future dissemination activities, Planets publications and presentations. PLATO (Planets preservation planning tool) and the XCEL and XCDL languages, which are key components in the characterisation work done in the project, get a special mentioning in the newsletter. Included are also brief reports from the preservation planning tutorial in Vienna and the project's presence at CeBIT 2008.
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
Planets Newsletter no. 5 (Planetarium)
Added 22 October 2008
This newsletter from the Planets project includes highlights from the annual review, an introduction to Plato, as well as an article introducing a conceptual model for expressing concepts and requirements in digital preservation.
The newsletter also presents detailed lists of recent Planets publications and the project's participation in past and forthcoming events.
Finally, the fifth issue reveals a new name, Planetarium, and general makeover of the publication.
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
Premis (Preservation Metadata)
Added 3 August 2006
A data dictionary and supporting XML schemas for core preservation metadata needed to support the long-term preservation of digital materials.
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- Standards
PREMIS - Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies (The Foundation Rinascimento Digitale Workshop)
Added 26 February 2009
Documents from Round Table at PREMIS / The Foundation Rinascimento Digitale Workshop (6th February 2009 Palazzina dell'Auditorium - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei).
- Metadata
PREMIS / The Foundation Rinascimento Digitale Workshop Tutorial
Added 26 February 2009
Documents by Rebecca Guenther (Library of Congress) and Angela Dappert (British Library) from the PREMIS / The Foundation Rinascimento Digitale Workshop (5th February 2009, Civita, Piazza Venezia, Roma).
- Metadata
PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata, version 2.0
Added 8 April 2008
This document is a revision of Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata: Final report of the PREMIS Working Group, issued in May 2005. The PREMIS Data Dictionary and its supporting documentation is a comprehensive, practical resource for implementing preservation metadata in digital archiving systems.
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- Standards
PREMIS Tutorials
Added 21 July 2008
The PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata is a specification that provides a key piece of infrastructure for digital preservation activities, playing a vital role in enabling the effective management, discovery, and re-usability of digital information. Preservation metadata provides provenance information, documents preservation activity, identifies technical features, and aids in verifying the authenticity of digital objects. PREMIS is a core set of metadata elements recommended for use in all preservation repositories regardless of the type of materials archived, the type of institution, and the preservation strategies employed. It is maintained by the PREMIS Editorial Committee and is currently in version 2.0, which was issued in April 2008.
- Metadata
Preservation FactoryTM
Added 9 November 2006
Sony Preservation FactoryTM: A Unique Service
The Preservation FactoryTM is a new archive preservation initiative that aims to be the guardian of our audiovisual heritage.
By providing technical solutions for restoring and managing archives in an age of digitalization, Preservation FactoryTM offers institutions, broadcasters, corporations, libraries, museums and many other organisations a way of safeguarding precious material for future generations.
Contact: Andrew Velichko,
- Archives
- Audio-visual media
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Commercial systems
- Community R & D information service
- Consultancy
- Digital libraries
- Format validation
- General
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- Non governmental professional organizations
- Open Access
- Research and development
- Standards
- Technology
Preservation Metadata
Added 3 March 2008
DPC technology watch report. Brian Lavoie and Richard Gartner.
Keywords: metadata, digital preservation, schema, OAIS, metadata framework,
PREMIS, data dictionary, METS, XML schema, archival information package
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
Preserving the Data Explosion: Using PDF
Added 24 April 2008
Betsy A. Fanning
This report reviews the use of PDF, portable Document Format, more specifically, PDF/Archive as an archival file format to preserve an organization's knowledge. It should be noted that the use of PDF or PDF/Archive alone will not ensure the long-term preservation of electronic documents. When PDF/Archive is combined with a comprehensive records management program and formally established records policies and procedures, an organization can be sure that their electronic documents will be preserved.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
Preserving the Digital Heritage: Principles and Policies
Added 7 August 2007
Principles and policies for preserving the digital heritage were discussed at the international conference of 4-5 November 2005 in The Hague, organized by the Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the National Library of the Netherlands.
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
PRESTO - Preservation Technologies for European Archives
Added 16 March 2004
PRESTO aims to develop state of the art technology in the preservation of film, video and audio media. The principle partners reflect the largest archives in Europe: BBC (UK), INA (FRANCE) and RAI (ITALY). Information has been collected from other major European archives.
Although not focused on digital preservation specifically (it is primarily concerned with the preservation of analog material), PRESTO addresses questions that are relevant to the issue. Audiovisual material is one of the few areas where digitisation is considered to be the main option for preservation, because the originals are unstable or locked into obsolete technology. Resolving digital preservation issues has a major bearing on the long-term preservation of these materials.
Contact: Gert Kienast,
- Archives
- Audio-visual media
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Standards
- Technology
PRO (Public Record Office)
Added 16 March 2004
The records of government are increasingly created in electronic form and the National Archives are playing an active role in storing and preserving digital material. The diversity of electronic records and frequent changes in computer technology present a range of challenges that need to be tackled in order to ensure that these records remain accessible over the long-term. Work in this area is undertaken at the National Archives by the Digital Preservation Department. The National Archives (PRO) provides advice and guidance to records managers across central government. This covers the entire life cycle of public records, in whatever format, from creation through to destruction or transfer to the National Archives. This work is undertaken in the National Archives by the Records Management Department.
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- E-government
- Electronic publishing
- Long-term preservation
- National archives
- Standards
- Technology
Added 16 March 2004
The first version of PRONOM was developed by the National Archives Digital Preservation Department in March 2002. Its genesis lies in the need to have ready access to reliable technical information about the nature of the electronic records now being stored in our Digital Archive.
Technical information about the structure of those file formats, and the software products which support them, is therefore a prerequisite for any digital preservation regime. PRONOM was developed to provide this function, initially as an internal resource for TNA staff, and now on the Internet.
PRONOM 2 was released in December 2002, and provided support for the development of multi-lingual versions of the system, through the replacement of field tags. Since that time, considerable effort has been devoted to the development of PRONOM?s content. Digital Preservation staff have undertaken intensive research and liaison with major software developers in order to create an initial core data set of software product information. This work is ongoing, although we would also encourage software developers and others to be proactive in providing information.
The web-enabling of PRONOM (PRONOM 3) marks the latest stage in the evolution of this system. However, in many ways this represents the starting point for the development of PRONOM as a major on-line resource for the international digital preservation community. TNA has detailed plans for major enhancements over the next 2-3 years, including the development of a number of specific tools to support digital preservation activities.
- Long-term preservation
- Technology