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A Digital Decade: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going in Digital Preservation?
Added 27 April 2007
A Digital Decade: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going in Digital Preservation?
- Digital curation
- General
- Long-term preservation
A DRIVER’s Guide to European Repositories
Added 21 January 2008
This Driver’s guide is a practical guide to be used by repository managers and institutions for setting up and develop a repository and extra services. In this guide five essential aspects for realizing and amplifying repositories are described: the business plan, intellectual property rights, storing research data, curation of data and the long-time conservation of data. The authors have chosen for workable solutions that are applicable on local and national level.
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
A national framework supporting local creation: New Zealand's institutional repository story
Added 20 October 2006
The purpose of this paper is to outline the steps the New Zealand Government has taken to strengthen the national information infrastructure and describe how a national framework of institutional repositories, which connects content repositories of all kinds, contributes to New Zealand’s Digital Strategy.
This paper has looked at Institutional Repositories for the research sector in the context of New Zealand’s Digital Content Strategy and reflects that while progress in developing institutional repositories in the research sector in New Zealand is still relatively immature.
- Institutional repositories
- National libraries
- Trusted repositories
A PORTAL FOR DOCTORAL E-THESES IN EUROPE; Lessons Learned from a Demonstrator Project
Added 13 August 2007
For the first time various repositories with doctoral e-theses have been harvested on an international scale. This report describes a small pilot project which tested the interoperability of repositories for e-theses and has set up a freely accessible European portal with over 10,000 doctoral e-theses1. Five repositories from five different countries in Europe were involved: Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK.
- Academic research
- Institutional repositories
- Portals
- Reports
Academic Research in the Netherlands Online (ARNO)
Added 16 March 2004
The ARNO project (Academic Research in the Netherlands Online) aims to develop and implement university document servers to make available the scientific output of participating institutions. The ARNO project is funded by IWI (Innovation in Scientific Information Supply). Project participants are the Universiteit van Amsterdam, Tilburg University and the University of Twente. The project continues to build on earlier IWI projects in the area of electronic publishing and on international initiatives such as "The Open Archives Initiative".
Contact: Renze Brandsma,
- Academic research
- Digital libraries
- Electronic publishing
- Institutional repositories
- Research libraries
Addressing the uncertain future of preserving the past : Towards a robust strategy for digital archiving and preservation
Added 9 November 2007
Storing and curating authentic academic literature and making it accessible for the long term has been a time-honoured task of national libraries.his document examines key determinants of the sustainable digital preservation of scholarly records, with specific reference to developing a robust approach to the archiving of such records at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Netherlands.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Long-term preservation
- National libraries
Added 28 July 2006
agora8 is an online resource for Contemporary Time-Based Art Practices - Performance, Installation, Video art.
agora8 adopts a particular behaviour towards archival culture that generates a re-animation and examination of art practices in context.
agora8 engages with works that happened in other places in other times, while simultaneously providing access to an audience that could not be physically present in the space and time of production.
Contact: Kenny McBride,
- Academic research
- Digital curation
Alternative File Formats for Storing Master Images of Digitisation Projects
Added 26 March 2008
This document is the end result of a study regarding alternative formats for storing master files of digitisation projects of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) in The Hague, the Netherlands. The study took place in the context of reviewing the KB's storage strategy. The magnitude of digitisation projects is increasing to such a degree – the estimate is a production of 40 million images (counting master versions only) in the next four years – that a revision of this strategy is deemed necessary. Currently, master files are stored in uncompressed TIFF file format, a format used world wide. 650 TB of storage space will be necessary to store 40 million files in this format. The objective of the study was to describe alternative file formats in order to reduce the necessary storage space. The desired image quality, long-term sustainability and functionality had to be taken into account during the study.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digitisation
- Format validation
- Long-term preservation
AMeGA - Metadata Generation Research Project
Added 8 July 2004
The goal of the AMeGA project is to identify and recommend functionalities for applications supporting automatic metadata generation in the library / bibliographic control community. The project is being conducted in connection Section 4.2 of the Library of Congress Bibliographic Control Action Plan, that is providing leadership to libraries and other information centers in this new millennium.
The Activity Plan's charge for section 4.2 is to "Develop specifications for a tool that will enable libraries to extract [and harvest] metadata from Web-based resources in order to create catalog records and that will detect and report changes in resource content and bibliographic data in order to maintain those records. Communicate the specifications to the vendor community and encourage their adoption."
Contact: Jane Greenberg,
- Metadata
- Technology
ARCHISIG - Conclusive and Secure Long-Term Archiving of Digitally Signed Documents
Added 16 March 2004
In the 'ArchiSig' project, archiving concepts and technologies are taken up and extended in a way that will allow secure and conclusive long-term archiving of digitally generated and signed data for 30 years or more. This involves the development of system architectures with new technical components and organizational concepts to guarantee the security of digital signatures. The solutions have to be practical, cost effective and in accordance to legislation in order to allow their deployment in various areas of the society.
- Long-term preservation
Archives Hub (Gateway to Archives at Universities and Colleges in UK)
Added 16 March 2004
The Archives Hub provides a single point of access to descriptions of archives held in UK universities and colleges. At present these are primarily at collection-level, although where possible they are linked to complete catalogue descriptions. The Archives Hub forms one part of the UK's National Archives Network, alongside related networking projects. A Steering Committee which includes representatives of the Public Record Office, the Historical Manuscripts Commission and the other archive networks guides the progress of the project. There is also a Contributors' and Users' Forum which provides feedback to aid the development of the service
- Collection-level description
- Portals
ARELDA Project of the Swiss Federal Archives
Added 16 March 2004
The Swiss Federal Archives is responsible for the safe-keeping of their records. Concepts and techniques are developed and realized to preserve the documents which are a part of Switzerland's cultural assets. The preservation of records comprises 3 phases: preventative conservation of all documents, bulk conservation of individual fonds and restoration of endangered or damaged documents. The Swiss Federal Archivesi aim is to prevent damage through use backup copies (microfilm, digital copies) of records are made. Acidic paper is treated in bulk within the framework of Papersave Swiss. The preservation of new forms of media presents the archives with a great challenge. The Swiss Federal Archives participates in the archiving of audio-visual media with an in-house group of specialists FAGAM and as a member of Memoriav. The Swiss Federal Archives has been recording digital data since 1982. The special department ARELDA is entrusted with such recordkeeping and supports or advises the records management team of the Federal Archives as well as the departments of the Federal Administration. In addition, this special department strives for long-term solutions for permanent archiving within the framework of the e-government project ARELDA.
Contact: Peter Keller,
- Archives
- Long-term preservation
Added 19 January 2007
MEMORANDUM - Integrated conclusions of the International expert meeting held in Asolo, September 29, 2006
- Long-term preservation
Added 6 March 2008
Hilary Beedham, Julie Missen, Matt Palmer, Raivo Ruusalepp.
The main focus of the work has been to compare the systems and processes that are currently in place at the UKDA and TNA with the OAIS reference model. Each of these organisations has a responsibility for the preservation and dissemination of electronic records of national importance but each implements systems which predate the development of the model. Consequently, the aims of the project were to determine whether each organisation is compliant with the model and to present the work in a report that can be used by other, similar, organisations to aid their own exploration into their compliance with
the reference model.
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
Audata (Consultancy in Information Management)
Added 16 March 2004
Audata Ltd. is a unique consultancy working at strategic and practical levels to provide Information Management solutions, ranging from professional records management through the development of policies and procedures; to EDMS, biometric solutions and digital preservation. Audata Ltd. was founded in April 1998.
- Consultancy
- Information management
Audio Tape Digitisation Workflow Online Guide
Added 7 March 2008
This workflow is mainly aimed to address newcomers in the world of audio tape digitisation. Hence we try to keep it short and simple, knowing that the full spectrum of technical knowledge and skills can only be achieved by further studies and practical training. Therefore for each point of the workflow you will find a list of useful literature and links. We recommend that you consult these sites for additional information specifically related to the topic under discussion.
- Audio-visual media
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digitisation
Audit Checklist for Certifying Digital Repositories
Added 3 August 2006
This draft report is the first guide for determining whether a digital repository can be certified as a trusted location for digital collections. Developed by a task force of experts assembled by RLG and National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the draft is available for public comment. Please see a copy below and comment by January 2006.
Contact: Robin Dale,
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Trusted repositories
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Resources
Added 1 October 2004
The APSR project will establish a centre of excellence for the management of digital collections. It has an overall focus on the critical issues of the access continuity and the sustainability of digital collections. It will encourage the development of skills and expertise and will actively provide international linkages and national services.
Contact: Tom Ruthven,
- Long-term preservation
- Sustainability and costs
Authorʹs Rights (Tout de Suite series)
Added 5 November 2008
This publication is designed to give journal article authors a quick introduction to key aspects of author's rights and to foster further exploration of this topic though liberal use of relevant references to online documents and links to pertinent Web sites.
- Copyright and licensing
- Electronic publishing
Budapest Open Access Initiative
Added 16 March 2004
The Budapest Open Access Initiative arises from a small but lively meeting convened in Budapest by the Open Society Institute (OSI) on December 1-2, 2001. The purpose of the meeting was to accelerate progress in the international effort to make research articles in all academic fields freely available on the internet. The participants represented many points of view, many academic disciplines, and many nations, and had experience with many of the ongoing initiatives that make up the open access movement. In Budapest they explored how the separate initiatives could work together to achieve broader, deeper, and faster success. They explored the most effective and affordable strategies for serving the interests of research, researchers, and the institutions and societies that support research. Finally, they explored how OSI and other foundations could use their resources most productively to aid the transition to open access and to make open-access publishing economically self-sustaining. The result is the Budapest Open Access Initiative. It is at once a statement of principle, a statement of strategy, and a statement of commitment.
Contact: Melissa Hagemann,
- Open Access
Added 25 July 2006
This website (now under development) serves the project CASPAR - Cultural, Artistic and Scientific knowledge for Preservation, Access and Retrieval - an Integrated Project co-financed by the European Union within the Sixth Framework Programme (Priority IST-2005-2.5.10, "Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources"), that started on 1 April 2006.The project will research, implement, and disseminate innovative solutions for digital preservation based on the OAIS reference model (ISO:14721:2002).The website will make available the official project documentation and useful documents relevant to digital preservation and related disciplines. It will also serve as an information and communication tool for the CASPAR Preservation User Community: a worldwide partnership of all those who have a stake in the preservation of digital information and who share and support the CASPAR mission: creators of digital resources, curators, service providers, memory institutions, researchers, and users.CASPAR has ambitious goals. Active participation by the Preservation User Community, sharing requirements, feedback and validating the results of the design and development phases is mandatory to transform such goals in practical objectives.For this reason the CASPAR consortium will foster end-user partecipation in the project by different means, including workshops, online forums, informational and training events.
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
CILIP (Chartered Institute of Libraries and Information Professionals)
Added 16 March 2004
CILIP is the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, a new professional body formed following the unification of the Institute of Information Scientists (IIS) and The Library Association (LA). CILIP's mission is to: set, maintain, monitor and promote standards of excellence in the creation, management, exploitation and sharing of information and knowledge resources; Support the principle of equality of access to information, ideas and works of the imagination which it affirms is fundamental to a thriving economy, democracy, culture and civilisation; Enable its members to achieve and maintain the highest professional standards in all aspects of delivering an information service, both for the professional and the public good. CILIP's new project is to identify copyright and licensing issues that currently hinder digital preservation and looks at whether new legislation will help.
- Copyright and licensing
- Standards
Comission recommendation of 24 August 2006 on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation
Added 25 August 2006
The European Commission adopted a recommendation that discusses the range of topics related to building the European digital library and ensuring access to and preservation of cultural heritage. Digital preservation is an important topic of the recommendation.
- Access
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 24 August 2006 on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation
Added 19 October 2006
The new recommendation to the member state on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation
- Access
- General
CORDIS - The European Commission's Research and Development Information Service
Added 16 March 2004
CORDIS, the European Commission's Research and Development Information Service, is providing a new Guidance interface to help explain the wide range of information available on its key services. One of the projects that deal with Digital Preservation is the Computerised Bibliographic Record Actions Plus Preservation and Service Developments for Electronic Publications. This is a concerted action, involving national libraries in Europe. Its main goals are to build on a concertation activity (CoBRA) set up in 1993 to promote initiatives and actions in the area of national bibliographic services at a European level. CoBRA+ consolidates previous work while widening its focus beyond national bibliographic services to include collection based issues particularly those concerned with electronic publications and related service developments in national libraries. Particular emphasis is placed on resource access and sharing, user needs and the use of communications networks to achieve these aims.
- Community R & D information service
Core Requirements for Digital Archives
Added 16 April 2007
Core Requirements for Digital Archives
In January 2007 representatives of four preservation organizations convened at the Center for Research Libraries in Chicago to seek consensus on core criteria for digital preservation repositories, to guide further international efforts on auditing and certifying repositories.
- Long-term preservation
- Trusted repositories
CURL (Consortium of University Research Libraries)
Added 16 March 2004
By the beginning of 2000 there were twenty-one university libraries in full membership of the Consortium of University Research Libraries. It's mission is to promote, maintain and improve library resources for research, learning and teaching in research-led universities; and develop co-operative and consortial solutions to the challenges faced by members in the acquisition, processing, storage, preservation, exploitation, dissemination and delivery of information and library materials for the benefit of their institutions.
Contact: Clare Jenkins,
- Consortia
- Research libraries
Added 16 March 2004
CYCLADES is developing an open collaborative virtual archive service environment supporting both single scholars as well as scholarly communities in carrying out their work. In particular, it will provide functionality to access large, heterogeneous, multidisciplinary archives distributed over the Web and to support remote collaboration among the members of communities of interest. CYCLADES will run on the data environment composed by the archives that adhere to the Open Archives Initiatives harvesting protocol specifications.
- Access
- Portals
Data Seal of Approval
Added 19 March 2008
Anyone who archives his or her data also would like them to be found, recognized and still usable in the future. That is not a matter of course with electronic data. After all, hardware and software are changing all the time. Making data future-proof can be accomplished by ensuring that data sets and metadata meet certain guidelines. In consultation with large data producers and managers, DANS laid down what those guidelines need to be in its 'Datakeurmerk', which will continue to be developed further.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- General
- Long-term preservation
DAVID - Digitale Archivering in Vlaamse Instellingen en Diensten
Added 16 March 2004
The processing of information is more and more a matter of computers and electronic files. The question how these electronic files can be archived in a secure and lasting way, is keeping the world of archives busy since many years. Everyone can see that digital archiving offers many advantages, also if traditional paper documents are concerned. Digital archives are more accessible and they take up less room. Digital archiving is however rather new and full of uncertainties. How can one guarantee the integrity of electronic archives? An electronic file can be changed rather easily. And how can one assure that an electronic file stays legible in the long term, considering the fast evolution in hardware and software? There are no standards yet and there are still many questions about the "digital durability" of electronic archival material. DAVID’s aim is to ensure the long-term preservation of the electronic records.
Contact: Filip Boudrez,
- Long-term preservation
DELOS - Network of Excellence for Digital Libraries
Added 16 March 2004
Digital Libraries represent a new infrastructure and environment that has been created by the integration and use of computing, communications, and digital content on a global scale destined to become an essential part of the information infrastructure in the 21st century. Digital libraries will make Europe's cultural heritage and scientific content available to all European citizens, and will sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations. New DL research, technologies and applications will thus greatly contribute to the advancement of the use of distributed, networked information of all types in Europe and the world. Its objectives are to: Contribute towards improving the effectiveness of European research in this emerging domain; Provide a forum where researchers, practitioners, and representatives of interested application communities and industries can exchange ideas and experiences; Train young researchers in the DL field; Contribute towards defining a European Union research policy in the DL domain; Cooperate with on-going standardization activities in relevant DL fields; Facilitate take-up of DL technologies in all interested application communities; Create a forum where results of EU funded DL projects can be presented and where common problems can be discussed and areas of cooperation identified; Promote cooperation between European and national DL initiatives; and promote international cooperation in the DL research domain.
Contact: Costantino Thanos,
- Consultancy
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Standards
Added 16 March 2004
DigiCULT draws on the results of the strategic study "Technological Landscapes for Tomorrows Cultural Economy - DigiCULT", that was initiated by the European Commission, DG Information Society (Unit D2: Cultural Heritage Applications) in 2000 and completed in 2001. This study covers several areas of interest, (national policies & initiatives, organisational change, exploitation, and ICT) and formulates a series of recommendations. In particular, it provides a roadmap of how cultural heritage technologies will or could develop in the near future (until 2006). Building on the knowledge and expertise of over 50 cultural heritage experts, DigiCULT will discuss and analyse current and future trends in several technology domains, that have been identified as key areas during the DigiCULT study. DigiCULT will also function as a stimulus for future R and D in/for the cultural heritage sector.
Contact: John Pereira,
- Research and development
- Technology
Digital Archive
Added 16 March 2004
The Digital Preservation Department at the National Archives was set up in July 2001 and charged with developing a method of storing, preserving and providing access to electronic Government records ? everything from emails and web pages to multimedia formats.
Specialists were recruited to meet this challenge - part of the Modernising Government initiative, which is establishing ways for citizens and businesses to communicate with the government electronically.
Following an intensive development period, involving a team drawn from all business groups at the National Archives, on 2nd April 2003 the Digital Archive was launched. For the first time a digital repository, successfully storing and making available electronic records of Government held here at the National Archives was available to users.
Contact: The National Archives,
- Long-term preservation
- National archives
Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
Added 24 April 2006
Scientists, researchers and scholars across the UK generate increasingly vast amounts of digital data, with further investment in digitisation and purchase of digital content and information. The scientific record and the documentary heritage created in digital form are at risk from technology obsolescence, from the fragility of digital media, and from lack of the basics of good practice, such as adequate documentation for the data.
Working with other practitioners, the Digital Curation Centre will support UK institutions who store, manage and preserve these data to help ensure their enhancement and their continuing long-term use. The purpose of our centre is to provide a national focus for research and development into curation issues and to promote expertise and good practice, both national and international, for the management of all research outputs in digital format.
What is digital curation? Digital curation is all about maintaining and adding value to a trusted body of digital information for current and future use; specifically, we mean the active management and appraisal of data over the life-cycle of scholarly and scientific materials.
Contact: DCC Helpdesk,
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
Digital Preservation Coalition
Added 16 March 2004
The Digital Preservation Coalition was established in 2001 to foster joint action to address the urgent challenges of securing the preservation of digital resources in the UK and to work with others internationally to secure our global digital memory and knowledge base. The DPC outlines many goals it hopes to achieve, including the production, provision and dissemination of information on current research and practice; To act in concert to make arguments for appropriate and adequate funding to secure the nation's investment in digital resources and ensure an enduring global digital memory; Promote and develop services, technology, and standards for digital preservation. Forge strategic alliances with relevant agencies nationally and internationally, and work collaboratively together and with industry and research organisations to address shared challenges in digital preservation.
Contact: Maggie Jones,
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
Digital Rights Protection And Management In India
Added 10 November 2008
India is planning to enact a law on the lines of Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 1998 (DMCA). The same may not be fruitful if we fail to appreciate the ground realities existing in India. Merely superimposing foreign laws is not enough. We need to first analyse the situation in India in a holistic manner and then only should take steps towards the enactment of any law in this direction. It would be a wrong strategy to “blindly follow” the US Law(s) like DMCA. India needs a Techno-Legal Law that is in conformity with Indian Standards and Norms. Otherwise the fate of any such future law would be same as it happened in Canada.
Contact: Mr. Praveen Dalal,
- Academic research
- Access
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Consultancy
- Copyright and licensing
- E-government
- Electronic publishing
- General
- Information management
- Metadata
- Portals
- Research and development
- Standards
- Technology
Dissertation Online - Co-ordination Agency for Online Dissertations and Post-doctoral Theses
Added 16 March 2004
During the project "Dissertation Online", the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft supported the development of solutions and assistances for the production, retrieval and long-term availability of digital dissertations. To keep the outcome of that project state-of-the-art, to initiate necessary further developments, and to build up a network of competence, the project "built up of a Co-ordination Agency for online dissertations and post-doctoral theses" has been set up to expand the Co-ordination Agency DissOnline. The project comprises an analysis of the current infrastructure concerning online dissertations at German universities, including a comparison of the different promotion regulations, workflows, online support systems and portal software. The FAQ system is being built up in revised form, and the recommendations for doctoral candidates, libraries and universities will be replenished and enhanced. Legal issues are being dealt with in collateral service contracts. The outcome of the project shall be proposals to a uniform, workable procedure DissOnline in Germany that are to be discussed and harmonized with universities, computer centres and libraries.
Contact: Dr. Nikola Korb,
- Metadata
- Portals
- Research libraries
- Standards
DLM Forum
Added 16 March 2004
This DLM Forum covers several areas of interest, (national policies & initiatives, organisational change, exploitation, and ICT) and formulates a series of recommendations. In particular, it provides a roadmap of how cultural heritage technologies will or could develop in the near future (until 2006).
Contact: DLM-Forum Secretariat,
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Technology
DPC/PADI What's new in digital preservation
Added 16 December 2008
A joint service of the Digital Preservation Coalition and PADI.
This publication is a quarterly summary of selected recent activity in the field of digital preservation compiled from the Preserving Access to Digital Information (PADI) Gateway, the digital-preservation and padiforum-l mailing lists and other sources.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Long-term preservation
- Portals
- Reports
Added 30 May 2007
The Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment (DRAMBORA) toolkit is intended to facilitate internal audit by providing repository administrators with a means to assess their capabilities, identify their weaknesses, and recognise their strengths. Digital repositories are still in their infancy and this model is designed to be responsive to the rapidly developing landscape. The development of the toolkit follows a concentrated period of repository pilot audits undertaken by the DCC, conducted at a diverse range of organisations including national libraries, scientific data centres and cultural and heritage data archives.
Contact: DRAMBORA Information,
- Academic research
- Archives
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Sustainability and costs
- Trusted repositories
DRIVER Guidelines v2.0
Added 20 November 2008
The DRIVER Guidelines will provide orientation for managers of new repositories to define their local data-management policies, for managers of existing repositories to take steps towards improved services and for developers of repository platforms to add supportive functionalities in future versions.
Note: This document is an updated version of the original DRIVER Guidelines and contains information and examples of changes and developments to the first version.
- Access
- Archives
- Long-term preservation
- Open Access
- Research and development
- Technology
Added 16 March 2004
Cambridge University Library, in association with the University Computing Service, has formulated a major project to provide the University with an institutional digital repository, "DSpace@Cambridge". This repository will provide a home for the increasing amount of material that is being digitised from the University Library's own printed and manuscript collections. It also has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve digital materials created in any part of the University. These will potentially include scholarly communications (articles and pre-prints), theses, technical reports, archives of departments and the University as a whole, and other textual material, together with different formats such as multimedia clips, interactive teaching programmes, data sets and databases.
Contact: Peter Morgan,
- Academic research
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Open source
- Technology
Added 16 March 2004
In its capacity as National Library of the Netherlands the KB is responsible for the Dutch deposit library. The aim of the deposit library is to collect, catalogue and preserve all publications appearing in the Netherlands. As the number of electronic publications is on the rise, the KB has embraced the important task of preserving and providing long-term access to Dutch electronic publications. It has developed a digital information archiving system which is the technical heart of the 'e-Depot' project. It is primarily intended for archiving publications by Dutch publishers. In addition, the KB's research initiatives are geared towards ensuring long-term access.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Commercial systems
- Long-term preservation
- National libraries
- Technology
ECPA: European Commission on Preservation and Access
Added 16 March 2004
The European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) was established in 1994 to promote activities aimed at keeping collections in European archives and libraries accessible over time. Books, documents, photographs, films, tapes and disks are all subject to decay. The digital revolution has introduced new problems of obsolescence of soft- and hardware. In order to keep our documentary heritage available for future generations of users, large-scale programmes must be developed for its preservation.
The ECPA aims to raise public awareness of this issue and to impress the urgency of the situation on policy makers, funding agents, and users. The ECPA acts as a European platform for discussion and cooperation of heritage organizations in areas of preservation and access. The publications of the Commission are widely distributed to institutions throughout Europe. To promote the exchange of knowledge and experience, the ECPA organizes conferences, meetings and workshops.
Contact: Fernanda Maria Campos,
- Access
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
Electronic Records, Public Records Office
Added 16 March 2004
Electronic records management is a key underpinning element in the government modernisation programme. The government has set a target for all central government organisations to be able to store and retrieve their public records electronically by 2004, to ensure that they are able to meet the demands of working in an electronic environment. The relationship of this target to e-government and modernisation is set out in the revised e-Government Policy Framework for Electronic Records Management, a joint Public Record Office / Office of the e-Envoy publication.
The PRO oversees achievement of this target, monitors progress and reports regularly to the Lord Chancellor. It has published a route map and milestones to guide departments. It provides advice and guidance, and a set of practical toolkits, to help departments and agencies make progress in developing electronic document and records management. There are also comprehensive background Guidelines on the Management, Appraisal and Preservation of Electronic Records.
- E-government
- Long-term preservation
ELEKTRA - Finnish Scientific Publications in Electronic Form
Added 16 March 2004
Elektra collects, publishes and archives the articles of the leading Finnish scientific journals in electronic form. It is a joint project between Helsinki University Library, The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and Kopiosto.
Elektra aims at enhancing both the services and the technical and contractual conditions of electronic publishing and network access of electronic publications in Finland.The Elektra material can be found via the Finnish national Arto article database. The use of the material is restricted to those institutions which have paid for it. Currently these institutions include all Finnish public libraries, all vocational high schools and most Finnish universities. Currently the Elektra material consists of more than 8000 full-text articles (mostly in pdf format) from circa 30 scientific journals. In addition to this, there are also 57 academic dissertations. The articles can be viewed on the screen or printed out on paper.
Contact: Jyrki Ilva,
- Electronic publishing
English Heritage
Added 16 March 2004
English Heritage aims to help people understand and appreciate why the historic buildings and landscapes around them matter. From the first traces of civilisation, to the most significant buildings of the 20th century, they want every important historic site to get the care and attention it deserves. English Heritage is composed by different subject areas, one of them, the Centre for Archaeology has developed strategies for managing its digital archives. The strategy is intended to establish best practice for the preservation of, and provision of access to, the full range of digital archaeological data of long-term value for which CfA is responsible.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Long-term preservation
EPICUR - Enhancement of Persistent Identifier Services: Comprehensive Method for Unequivocal Resource Identification
Added 16 March 2004
Persistent Identifiers are essential conditions for an effective management of digital resources and reliable access to electronic documents. Currently several persistent identifiers services have been established, however there is a general demand concerning the active introduction of persistent identifiers, further development of technical components of persistent identifier services and the establishment of an organisational infrastructure regarding persistent identifiers. In the framework of the project CARMEN-AP4 Die Deutsche Bibliothek implemented a Uniform Resource Name (URN) Management. The objective of the EPICUR project is to expand the existing PI-service to enable complementary application of several PI systems. At an international level a URN Information Centre shall be establishes in co-operation with the national library of Finland.
Contact: Kathrin Schroeder,
- Access
- Long-term preservation
- Persistent identifiers
Added 21 June 2005
By far one of the largest repositories of information on Digital Preservation. The various erpaProducts range from Guidance documents on the costing of digital preservation and implementing policies (among others), to critiques and contextualisation of all the important papers and materials so far produced. Case studies explore various companies' and Institutions' experiences of digital preservation and a large number of reports and papers offer access to the latest research in the field.
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
- Sustainability and costs
- Technology
Added 1 March 2005
eSPIDA is developing a sustainable business-focused model for digital preservation at an FE/HE Institution. It will bring digital preservation to the core of strategic thinking, planning and culture at the University of Glasgow and disseminate the model to the wider community.
Within the University, the espida project will gain a comprehensive understanding of the University’s diverse electronic assets and build a network of stakeholders and advocates. This network will help espida map the imperatives for storing and accessing digital materials (legal conditions, future research) and model an integrated rationale that the University can fully support.
- Academic research
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Consultancy
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Sustainability and costs
European Digital Library Project
Added 28 May 2007
European Digital Library Project
EDLproject is a Targeted Project funded by the European Commission under the eContentplus Programme and coordinated by the German National Library.
The project, started in September 2006, works towards the integration of the bibliographic catalogues and digital collections of the National Libraries of Belgium, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain and Sweden, into The European Library.
EDLproject also addresses the enhancement of multilingual capabilities of The European Library portal, takes first steps towards collaboration between The European Library and other non-library cultural initiatives, and expands the marketing and communication activities of The European Library service. To learn more click here.
- Digital libraries
- National libraries
Evaluating File Formats for Long-term Preservation
Added 26 March 2008
National and international publishers have been depositing digital publications at the National Library of the Netherlands (KB) since 2003. Until recently, most of these publications were deposited in the Portable Document Format. New projects, for example the web archiving project, force the KB to handle more heterogeneous material. Therefore, the KB has developed a quantifiable file format risk assessment method. This method can be used to define digital preservation strategies for specific file formats. The choice for a specific file format at creation time or later in the life cycle of a digital object influences the long-term access to the digital object. The evaluation method contains seven sustainability criteria for file formats that are weighed for importance. There seems to be consensus on the sustainability criteria. However, as the weighing of these criteria is connected to an institution’s policy, the KB wonders whether agreement on the relative importance of the criteria can be reached at all. With this paper, the KB hopes to inspire other cultural heritage institutions to define their own quantifiable file format evaluation method.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digitisation
- Format validation
- Long-term preservation
Evaluation of the JISC UK LOCKSS Pilot
Added 6 June 2008
The UK LOCKSS Pilot Programme is based at the University of Glasgow and supports a community of UK LOCKSS users comprising of thirty UK Higher Education Institutions. The report considers the future sustainability of the UK LOCKSS Programme and contains recommendations.
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Open source
- Reports
- Sustainability and costs
ExLibris - White Paper on Digital Preservation
Added 15 January 2009
Paper "Digital Preservation: Why should institutions care about it and what can they do today? A practical approach and call to action" is developed by ExLibris to present its approach to digital preservation and its technical solution.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digital curation
Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative
Added 20 October 2008
The initiative represents a collaborative effort to establish a common set of guidelines for digitizing historical materials. Under this initiative, two Working Groups have been established.
The Still Image Working Group will focus its efforts on books, manuscripts, maps, and photographic prints and negatives. Its members include the Library of Congress, the National Agricultural Library, the National Archives and Records Administration, the National Gallery of Art, the National Library of Medicine, the National Technical Information Service, the National Transportation Library, the Smithsonian Institution, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the U.S. Government Printing Office.
The Audio-Visual Working Group will address standards and practices for sound, video, and motion picture film. Its members include the Defense Visual Information Directorate of the Department of Defense, the Library of Congress, the National Agricultural Library, the National Archives and Records Administration, the National Library of Medicine, the Smithsonian Institution, the Government Printing Office and the Voice of America.
- Digitisation
Fourth Planets newsletter
Added 6 June 2008
The newsletter describes the project's progress, recent and future dissemination activities, Planets publications and presentations.
This time PLATO (Planets preservation planning tool) and the XCEL and XCDL languages, which are key components in the characterisation work done in the project, get a special mentioning in the newsletter.
Included in the newsletter are also brief reports from the recent preservation planning tutorial held in Vienna and the project's presence at CeBIT 2008.
- Best practice for digital preservation
German Grid Initative Brochure
Added 14 November 2007
The publication gives a detailed overview of the current state of the German Grid Initative with emphasis on the long-term strategic grid research and development activities for academia and industry.
- Academic research
- Access
- Technology
GovTalk (UK)
Added 9 June 2004
The purpose of this site is to enable the Public Sector, Industry and other interested participants to work together to develop and agree policies and standards for e-government. This is achieved through the UK GovTalk consultation processes.
The site is divided broadly into two areas:
1. Schemas and Standards
This part of the site covers all aspects relating to the e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) and the e-Government Metadata Framework (e-GMF). It provides repositories for draft and agreed XML schemas, best practice and case studies, and also advice on toolkits and other relevant information.
2. Policy Documents
This part of the site contains Cabinet Office e-Government Unit technology policy documents and allows for online discussions and consultations to be conducted regarding e-services policy development.
Contact: GovTalk Team,
- Access
- E-government
- Standards
Guide for Archiving Web Pages
Added 25 March 2009
This guide is an introduction to a complex and constantly evolving subject for those who are responsible for relatively small numbers of closely-related web pages. Neither comprehensive nor professionally vetted, it is a brief overview by an interested amateur and is intended as a starting point for research on the topic.
- Web-archiving
H.M. Gladney: Economics and Engineering for Preserving Digital Content
Added 17 December 2007
Abstract: Progress towards practical long-term preservation seems to be stalled. Preservationists cannot afford specially developed technology, but must exploit what is created for the marketplace. Economic and technical facts suggest that most preservation work should be shifted from repository institutions to information producers and consumers.
Prior publications describe solutions for all known conceptual challenges of preserving a single digital object, but do not deal with software development or scaling to large collections. Much of the document handling software needed is available. It has, however, not yet been selected, adapted, integrated, or deployed for digital preservation. The daily tools of both information producers and information consumers can be extended to embed preservation packaging without much burdening these users.
We describe a practical strategy for detailed design and implementation. Document handling is intrinsically complicated because of human sensitivity to communication nuances. Our engineering section therefore starts by discussing how project managers can master the many pertinent details.
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
- Standards
- Sustainability and costs
Harnessing the Power of Digital Data for Science and Society
Added 2 March 2009
The Interagency Working Group on Digital Data (IWGDD) of the National Science and Technology Council's(NSTC) Committee on Science has issued a report detailing a strategy to promote preservation of, and access to, digital scientific data. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) was one of the agencies that participated in the development of this report. Kenneth Thibodeau and Robert Chadduck of the Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Program Management Office served as NARA's representatives to this group.
- Access
How to Choose a Digital Preservation Strategy: Evaluating a Preservation Planning Procedure
Added 23 October 2007
This paper presents the PLANETS Preservation Planning approach. It provides an approved way to make informed and accountable decisions on which solution to implement in order to optimally preserve digital objects for a given purpose. It is based on Utility Analysis to evaluate the performance of various solutions against well defined requirements and goals. The viability of this approach is shown in a range of case studies for different settings. We present its application to two scenarios of web archives, two collections of electronic publications, and a collection of multimedia art.
This work focuses on the different requirements and goals in the various preservation settings.
- Long-term preservation
How to Choose a Digital Preservation Strategy: Evaluating a Preservation Planning Procedure
Added 9 November 2007
An increasing number of institutions throughout the world face legal obligations or business needs to collect and preserve digital objects over several decades. Today, a range of tools exist today to support the variety of preservation strategies such as migration or emulation. Yet, different preservation requirements across institutions and settings make the decision on which solution to implement very difficult.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Conference proceedings
- Long-term preservation
ICA: International Council on Archives
Added 16 March 2004
The International Council on Archives (ICA) is dedicated to the advancement of archives worldwide. Archives, by providing evidence of human activities and transactions, underlie the rights of individuals and states, and are fundamental to democracy and good governance. Archives safeguard the memory of mankind by preserving records of its past. In pursuing the advancement of archives, ICA works for the protection and enhancement of the memory of the world. ICA is the professional organisation for the world archival community, dedicated to promoting the preservation, development, and use of the world's archival heritage. It brings together national archive administrations, professional associations of archivists, regional and local archives and archives of other organisations as well as individual archivists. ICA has more than 1,500 members in over 170 countries and territories, making it truly international. It is a non-governmental organisation, which means that it maintains an independence from the political process and that its members include public and private archive institutions and individuals. ICA works closely with inter-governmental organisations such as UNESCO and the Council of Europe. It also has strong links with other non-governmental organisations.
- Archives
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- National archives
- Non governmental professional organizations
ICOM - The International Council of Museums
Added 16 March 2004
The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is an international organisation of museums and museum professionals which is committed to the conservation, continuation and communication to society of the world's natural and cultural heritage, present and future, tangible and intangible. Created in 1946, ICOM is a non-governmental organisation maintaining formal relations with UNESCO and having a consultative status with the United Nations' Economic and Social Council. ICOM helps the cultural centres and other entities that facilitate the preservation, continuation and management of tangible or intangible heritage resources (living heritage and digital creative activity).
Contact: Manus Brinkman,
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Museums
- Non governmental professional organizations
ICSTI - International Council for Scientific and Technical Information
Added 16 March 2004
ICSTI, The International Council for Scientific and Technical Information, offers a unique forum for interaction between organizations that create, disseminate and use scientific and technical information. ICSTI's mission cuts across scientific and technical disciplines, as well as international borders, to give member organizations the benefit of a truly global community. ICSTI aims to: Provide leadership in promoting recognition of the value of scientific and technical information to the world's economic, research, scholarly and social progress; Enhance access to and delivery of information for all constituencies in business, industry, academia, government and the public through the exchange of information and the sharing of experience among international peers; and be a forum for interaction among all participants in information flow.
Contact: Barry Mahon,
- Research and development
- Technology
Image Preservation Through PDF/A
Added 4 February 2008
The preservation of image collections is a goal of many libraries and organizations. Among the considerations for long-term preservation is the choice of file format. An emerging file format for preservation is PDF/A, which is a
proposed international standard for long-term electronic document preservation. Since this file format can be used for image preservation, there are a number of considerations to be followed for converting image files to PDF/A, and also for ultimately migrating from PDF/A to successor file formats.
- Digitisation
- Long-term preservation
- Standards
Added 26 May 2004
Independent Media Arts Preservation, Inc. (IMAP) is a nonprofit service, education, and advocacy organization committed to the preservation of non-commercial electronic media. IMAP has grown from a New York—based consortium of arts organizations and individuals to a national resource for preservation training, information, and advocacy. IMAP’s core constituents include institutions, organizations, and individuals whose diverse media collections are underserved by existing preservation efforts. IMAP's scope includes video art, audio art, new media, and technology-based installation art; independent documentary and community media; and documentation of arts and culture. While IMAP's primary focus is on electronic media, it also works closely with groups focused on the preservation of film, performance, interdisciplinary, and multimedia work.
Contact: Electronic Arts Intermix,
- Audio-visual media
- Long-term preservation
Implementing Persistent Identifiers : Overview of concepts, guidelines and recommendations
Added 21 December 2006
In the mid 1990s, a number of schemes were developed that, rather than relying
on the precise address of a document, introduced the idea of name spaces for
recording the names and locations of documents. The identifiers for documents
are registered centrally. When an end-user wishes to access a certain document,
the identifier in his request is ‘resolved’, i.e. the correct document is retrieved,
without the end-user needing to know the exact location of the document. This
report describes a number of such schemes in detail.
Key concepts introduced include Handles, Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs),
Archival Resource Keys (ARKs), Persistent Uniform Resource Locators
(PURLs), Uniform Resource Names (URNs), National Bibliography Numbers
(NBNs), and the OpenURL. These schemes are described with examples and
extensive references.
- Persistent identifiers
- Standards
INA - Institut National de l'Audiovisuel
Added 16 March 2004
The INA is responsible for France's cultural audiovisual heritage. Under legal deposit legislation, INA is responsible for deposits from the country's six national television channels (public and commercial) and five public radio channels. Under the French communications law, INA is also responsible for maintaining the archive for public radio and television. INA is one of the three major partners in the PRESTO project. It is making heavy use of digitisation for preservation and also taking more material in born-digital form. INA wants to extend its mission to the French Web and is developing a harvester with the École Nationale Supérieure.
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
INFER - Italian National Forum on Electronic Resources
Added 16 March 2004
INFER is a co-ordinating group set up to co-operate in promoting access to electronic information resources in Italian libraries. INFER seeks to further the efficient use of electronic information in libraries and to facilitate access by the public. To this end it encourages libraries to set up consortia and other types of agreement on acquisition and management of electronic resources and access to them. INFER acts as a reference and linkage point and develops initiatives to promote activities and programmes in the area of library electronic resource-sharing. In this connection it gathers and disseminates information on co-operation efforts under way in Italy and abroad, and suggests ideas and guidelines. INFER seeks to enhance awareness both at institutional political level and among librarians and end users. In this context INFER sees its most direct interlocutors as the central and local administrations libraries are dependent on (ministries, universities, local authorities, etc.), research institutions, the Italian Library Association (AIB) and other organisations in the sector.
Contact: Paola Gargiulo,
- Access
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Consortia
- Digital curation
Institutional Repositories, Tout de Suite
Added 8 January 2008
by Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Institutional Repositories, Tout de Suite, is designed to give the reader a very quick introduction to key aspects of institutional repositories and to foster further exploration of this topic though liberal use of relevant references to online documents and links to pertinent websites.
- Digital curation
- Institutional repositories
International Digital Preservation System Survey - Getty Institute
Added 14 June 2007
initial results of the Digital Preservation System Survey that you completed in March/April of 2007
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
- Surveys
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)
Added 16 March 2004
IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession. IFLA's Core Activity on Preservation and Conservation (PAC) was officially created during the IFLA annual conference in Nairobi in 1984 to focus efforts on issues of preservation and initiate worldwide cooperation for the preservation of library materials. The PAC programme was effectively launched in Vienna during the 1986 Conference on the Preservation of Library Materials sponsored by the Conference of the Directors of National Libraries, with IFLA and UNESCO. IFLA Preservation and Conservation Section http://www.ifla.org/VII/s19/index.htm is concerned with the preservation of the world’s documentary heritage. It provides an international forum for all types of libraries to exchange, develop and disseminate knowledge and experience dealing with theories, policies and practices for the preservation of all recorded knowledge, regardless of the storage medium. The Section maintains a close working relationship with the IFLA PAC Core Programme.
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Non governmental professional organizations
- Standards
International Internet Preservation Consorcium
Added 3 August 2006
The national libraries of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, The British Library (UK), The Library of Congress (USA) and the Internet Archive (USA) acknowledged the importance of international collaboration for preserving Internet content for future generations and therefore decided to form a consortium called the International Internet Preservation Consortium.
The goals of the consortium are:
To enable the collection of a rich body of Internet content from around the world to be preserved in a way that it can be archived, secured and accessed over time.
To foster the development and use of common tools, techniques and standards that enable the creation of international archives.
To encourage and support national libraries everywhere to address Internet archiving and preservation.
Contact: Catherine Lupovici,
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Consortia
- Digital curation
- National libraries
- Web-archiving
International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems (InterPARES) 2: Experiential, Interactive and Dynamic Records
Added 22 September 2008
InterPARES 2 was carried out between January 2002 and December 2006. Its goal is to develop a theoretical understanding of the records generated by experiential, interactive and dynamic systems, of their process of creation, and of their present and potential use in the artistic, scientific and governmental sectors, and, on the basis of that understanding, to formulate methodologies for:
-ensuring that the records created using these systems can be trusted as to their content (that is, are reliable and accurate) and as records (that is, are authentic) while used by their creator;
-selecting the records that have to be kept for legal, administrative, social or cultural reasons after they are no longer needed by their creator;
-preserving the selected records in authentic form over the long term; and
-analyzing and evaluating advanced technologies for the implementation of these methodologies in a way that respects cultural diversity and pluralism.
- Long-term preservation
International Study on the Impact of Copyright Law on Digital Preservation (September 2008)
Added 9 March 2009
This study focuses on the copyright and related laws of Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States and the impact of those laws on digital preservation of copyrighted works. It also addresses proposals for legislative reform and efforts to develop non-legislative solutions to the challenges that copyright law presents for digital preservation.
The study is a joint report of The Library of Congress National Digital Information, Infrastructure and Preservation Program, The Joint Information Systems Committee, The Open Access to Knowledge Law Project and The SURFfoundation.
This report was originally issued in July 2008. This updated version was released in September 2008 with minor corrections.
- Copyright and licensing
InterPARES 2 Project Case Studies
Added 25 September 2006
Case studies of digital dynamic, interactive or experiential records produced in the various areas of endeavour that it is concerned with in order to gather an understanding of the activities creating the records, their purpose, their phases and the component actions, their byproducts and their structure, and their context, but also their technological environment and their use. The findings of the case studies are expected to provide much of the data necessary to answer the research questions of all domains and cross-domains.
- Audio-visual media
- Surveys
Investigative Study of Standards for Digital Repositories and Related Services
Added 21 January 2008
This study by CNRS, the French partner in the DRIVER project, reviews the current standards, protocols and applications in the domain of digital repositories. Special attention is being paid to the interoperability of repositories to enhance the exchange of data in repositories. The study is meant for institutional repository managers, service providers, repository software developers and all players taking an active part in the creation of the digital repository infrastructure for e-research. It aims to raise the discussion about these topics and to support initiatives for the integration and in some cases the development of new standards, in addition to the current interoperability mechanisms that have been implemented in digital repositories. The study looks at the current situation, but also focuses on the near future in terms of steps that have to be taken now in order to comply with future demands.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
- Standards
IP Issues of Digital Preservation in India
Added 10 November 2008
The IPRs issues in the digital era are also closely related to the requirements of Digital Preservation in India. With the rapid advancement of technology day by day, old applications and methods are becoming obsolete. We need to upgrade them from time to time. We also need to change form of various IPRs protected works from one form to another. This sometimes results in copyright, trademark, patents, etc violations. In short, IPRs issues in the digital era and cyber space are difficult to manage and we need both good policies and laws to manage the same effectively.
Contact: Mr. Praveen Dalal,
- Academic research
- Copyright and licensing
- General
iPRES2007 presentations available online
Added 29 October 2007
The theme of 2007 iPRES is Digital Preservation: Sustainable Programs and Best Practices.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Conference proceedings
- Long-term preservation
Japan Digital Archives Association - Digital Archives Project
Added 7 July 2004
The recording of tangible and intangible cultural assets in the form of digital data, and storing this information in databases so that it can be perused at any time and transmitted via information networks to other locations.
Contact: Mitsuhiro Takemura,
- Archives
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
Added 10 October 2005
(JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment): USA. Every object that is ingested into a digital archive needs to be identified and its file format needs to be verified. A data curator needs to be sure that the digital object entered into an archive is the file format that it purports to be.
- Digital curation
- Format validation
- Standards
- Technology
JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher and Further Education Funding Councils)
Added 16 March 2004
The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) works with further and higher education by providing strategic guidance, advice and opportunities to use ICT to support teaching, learning, research and administration. JISC operates through a committee system whose membership consists of senior managers, academics and technology experts working in UK further and higher education. The JISC committees are supported by an executive, facilitating policy determination and the management of high quality JISC funded services and strategic development programmes. With funding from the UK further and higher education funding councils, JISC provides a centralised and co-ordinated direction for the development of the infrastructure and activities, in line with its 5-year strategy
Contact: Neil Beagrie,
- Academic research
- Consultancy
- Institutional repositories
- Research libraries
- Technology
JPEG 2000 - a Practical Digital Preservation Standard?
Added 3 March 2008
DPC techonology watch report. Robert Buckley, Ph.D.
JPEG 2000 is a wavelet-based standard for the compression of still digital images. It
was developed by the ISO JPEG committee to improve on the performance of JPEG
while adding significant new features and capabilities to enable new imaging
applications. The JPEG 2000 compression method is part of a multi-part standard that defines a compression architecture, file format family, client-server protocol and other components for advanced applications.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digitisation
- Long-term preservation
Keeping Research Data Safe: a cost model and guidance for UK Universities
Added 16 May 2008
The study investigated the medium to long term costs to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of the preservation of research data and developed guidance to HEFCE and institutions on these issues. The study makes 10 recommendations, addressed to both JISC and the sector generally, on future work and implementation.
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
- Sustainability and costs
Added 3 August 2006
The goal of the kopal project is to develop a technological and organizational solution to ensure the long-term availability of electronic publications. Thereby, the transparent integration into existing library systems and the reuseability through memory institutions play a critical role.
In the implementation of the system, international standards for long-term archiving and metadata will be adopted. In this way, both sustainability and the ability to further develop the system are guaranteed.
As part of the project, massive amounts of digital materials of all types from two partner organizations, the German National Library and the Niedersaechsische Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Goettingen (Goettingen State and University Library), will be deposited. The materials will range from digital documents in the form of PDF, TIFF, or TeX files to complex objects like digital videos.
The technical operation of the long-term archive is located at the Gesellschaft fuer wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Goettingen. The participation of IBM Deutschland GmbH as a development partner enables the professional customization of the software components. IBM will also provide long-term support
Contact: Reinhard Alterhoener,
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Commercial systems
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- National libraries
- Standards
kulturarw3 heritage
Added 16 March 2004
For six years the Royal Library (KB) has collected Swedish web ĺages. Visitors at KB may now look at the collection at terminals in the library. The archive is not indexed, hence one must now the exact address of the page one wants to look at. The archive is available only within KB's realms.
The Royal Library (KB), Sweden's National Library has acquired, described, preserved and made available all swedish printed publications since the 17th century. Nowadays many documents are published only in digital form and the number of items increases rapidly. If we do not take care of this information, a considerable part of the swedish cultural heritage might be lost. Therefore the Royal Library has started a project with the aim of long time preservation of electronic information. The goal is to collect, preserve and make available swedish documents from the Internet. This lays the foundation of a collection of the swedish electronic publishing in our time and for future generations.
Contact: Allan Arvidson,
- Long-term preservation
- National libraries
- Web-archiving
Legal Enablement Of ICT Systems In India
Added 17 February 2009
We have consolidated our efforts in the direction of Digital Preservation and the same is now available in the form of the initiative titled “Legal Enablement Of ICT Systems In India”. From now onwards all issues pertaining to Digital Preservation would be primarily dealt with by us at that platform. Of course, the Policy and Strategy Issues pertaining to ICT would continue to be discussed at Reclaiming India.
Contact: Mr. Praveen Dalal,
- Academic research
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Consortia
- Consultancy
- Copyright and licensing
- Digital libraries
- E-government
- Electronic publishing
- General
- Portals
Legal Issues of Digital Preservation In India
Added 10 November 2008
Digital preservation is not an easy task. On the one hand there are technical requirements that are difficult to manage whereas on the other hand the legal and regulatory norms become hindrance in the process in certain circumstances.
Contact: Mr. B.S.Dalal,
- Academic research
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Copyright and licensing
- General
- Information management
- Standards
Legal Perspective Of Entertainment Industry In India
Added 10 November 2008
Digital Preservation is also related to entertainment industry as we have to preserve movies and similar products. This resource is the Exclusive legal resource in India that is providing the legal aspects of entertainment industry in India.
Contact: Mr. Praveen Dalal,
- Academic research
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Commercial systems
- Consultancy
- Copyright and licensing
- E-government
- General
- Information management
- Long-term preservation
- Portals
- Standards
- Technology
Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletters Archive
Added 14 November 2008
All back issues of the Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletters features news about National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP).
NDIIPP is the US effort to prevent the loss of US digital heritage and directed the Library of Congress to determine the shape of the effort and set forth a strategy for its implementation.
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Sustainability and costs
- Trusted repositories
Lifecycle information for e-literature: full report from the LIFE project
Added 2 August 2006
This Report is a record of the LIFE Project. The Project has been run for one year and its aim is to deliver crucial information about the cost and management of digital material. This information should then in turn be able to be applied to any institution that has an interest in preserving and providing access to electronic collections. The Project is a joint venture between The British Library and UCL Library Services. The Project is funded by JISC under programme area (i) as listed in paragraph 16 of the JISC 4/04 circular- Institutional Management Support and Collaboration and as such has set requirements and outcomes which must be met and the Project has done its best to do so. Where the Project has been unable to answer specific questions, strong recommendations have been made for future Project work to do so. The outcomes of this Project are expected to be a practical set of guidelines and a framework within which costs can be applied to digital collections in order to answer the following questions; • What is the long term cost of preserving digital material • Who is going to do it • What are the long term costs for a library in HE/FE to partner with another institution to carry out long term archiving • What are the comparative long-term costs of a paper and digital copy of the same publication • At what point will there be sufficient confidence in the stability and maturity of digital preservation to switch from paper for publications available in parallel formats • What are the relative risks of digital versus paper archiving The Project has attempted to answer these questions by using a developing lifecycle methodology and three diverse collections of digital content. The LIFE Project team chose UCL e-journals, BL Web Archiving and the BL VDEP digital collections to provide a strong challenge to the methodology as well as to help reach the key Project aim of attributing long term cost to digital collections. The results from the Case Studies and the Project findings are both surprising and illuminating.
Contact: R. McLeod, P. Wheatley, P. Ayris,
- Long-term preservation
- Sustainability and costs
Lund University Library - Preservation and Access
Added 16 March 2004
The project Medieval Manuscripts at Lund University Library - Preservation and Access intends to digitize, to catalogue and to make the integrated database (pictures and catalogue entries) accessible on-line. The project, apart from making accessible the collection to the scholarly and general public, also has the character of a pilot project in the context of TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) in which a group of manuscript librarians are engaged in formulating general principles for the cataloguing of medieval and Renaissance material and of a set of rules for the creation and exchange of electronic texts for scholarly use. Another important dimension of the project is the creation of a permanent archival copy of the entire collection in the university server focusing on the its digital preservation, one of the functions of which, not least, is to protect the fragile originals which suffer from manual handling, lighting, climatic fluctuations etc. Thus, the project will achieve its twofold aim of Preservation and Access.
Other projects that the library is engaged in are: DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals; DoD - Database of databases; Elin - electronic journals article search; About Elin@; MyLibrary; St. Laurentius digital manuscript library; Access to databases outside LU/LTH; News - E-resources; Test of electronic resources; Doctoral Dissertations
Contact: Lars Bjřrnshauge,
- Academic research
- Access
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Research libraries
Maastricht McLuhan Institute
Added 16 March 2004
The Maastricht McLuhan Institute (MMI), European Centre for Digital Culture, Knowledge Organisation and Learning Technology, was officially opened by Dr Eric McLuhan in November, 1998 and began its formal activities in January, 1999 at the Grote Gracht 82 in Maastricht. MMI is an initiative of the Universiteit Maastricht, the Hogeschool Maastricht, the Hogeschool Limburg, the Limburgs Universitair Centrum (Diepenbeek), the LIOF Industriebank N.V. and the Province of Limburg.
The mission of the Research Unit on Digital Culture is twofold: to study the implications of ICT developments for culture and knowledge organisation. Academic research entails postgraduate students and visiting scholars; And to create comprehensive strategies for searching, structuring, using and presenting digital resources more coherently and efficiently; to integrate past knowledge and produce ordered knowledge that leads to new understanding and insights.
To achieve the latter, the research unit is developing an existing software, SUMS, in conjunction with a prototype of a Virtual Reference Room. The implications of this work for education and business are being developed by the Learning Lab and Competence Centre respectively. MMI was chosen as a first node of a European Network of Centres of Excellence in Cultural Heritage. Through this network MMI will contribute to an intellectual framework for interoperability. This work has grown out of the personal research of the director on Leonardo da Vinci and on the history of linear perspective, which was carried out in the Perspective Unit at the McLuhan Program in the University of Toronto from 1991 to 1996. The research section appointed two new members in 2000 and is intended to grow to a team of 20 within six years. The research unit has its own advisory board to guide it on matters of content.
Contact: Dr Kim H. Veltman,
- Academic research
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Technology
Managing Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Learning Materials: A Development Pack for Institutional Repositories
Added 10 December 2007
This institutional development pack for managing IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) in e-learning is intended to support those who wish to update and clarify their institutional policies and infrastructures to help get the best out of using technology to support teaching and learning. Confusion, lack of awareness, poor practice, contradictory policy and risk aversion currently dominate thinking about this subject at all levels – particularly amongst senior management. This is presenting a major obstacle to the effective uptake of e-learning in our tertiary education system. In this pack we explicitly link the task of overhauling the IPR regimes in our institutions to the organisational and professional ‘process change' that is required to make effective use of e-learning – especially in relation to the introduction and extension of flexible learning delivery.
- Copyright and licensing
- Information management
- Institutional repositories
- Reports
Metadata for Digital Libraries: State of the Art and Future Directions
Added 24 April 2008
At a time when digitization technology has become well established in library operations, the need for a degree of standardization of metadata practices has become more acute, in order to ensure digital libraries the degree of interoperability long established in traditional libraries. The complex metadata requirements of digital objects, which include descriptive, administrative and structural metadata, have so far mitigated against the emergence of a single standard. However, a set of already existing standards, all based on XML architectures, can be combined to produce a coherent, integrated metadata strategy.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digital libraries
- Digitisation
- Metadata
METS Metadata Encosing & Transmission Standard
Added 3 August 2006
Maintaining a library of digital objects of necessity requires maintaining metadata about those objects. The metadata necessary for successful management and use of digital objects is both more extensive than and different from the metadata used for managing collections of printed works and other physical materials. While a library may record descriptive metadata regarding a book in its collection, the book will not dissolve into a series of unconnected pages if the library fails to record structural metadata regarding the book's organization, nor will scholars be unable to evaluate the book's worth if the library fails to note that the book was produced using a Ryobi offset press. The same cannot be said for a digital version of the same book. Without structural metadata, the page image or text files comprising the digital work are of little use, and without technical metadata regarding the digitization process, scholars may be unsure of how accurate a reflection of the original the digital version provides. For internal management purposes, a library must have access to appropriate technical metadata in order to periodically refresh and migrate the data, ensuring the durability of valuable resources.
The Making of America II project (MOA2) attempted to address these issues in part by providing an encoding format for descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata for textual and image-based works. METS, a Digital Library Federation initiative, attempts to build upon the work of MOA2 and provide an XML document format for encoding metadata necessary for both management of digital library objects within a repository and exchange of such objects between repositories (or between repositories and their users). Depending on its use, a METS document could be used in the role of Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP), or Dissemination Information Package (DIP) within the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model.
- Metadata
- Standards
MIMAS (Manchester InforMation and Associated Services)
Added 16 March 2004
MIMAS (Manchester InforMation and Associated Services) is a JISC-supported national data centre run by Manchester Computing at the University of Manchester. MIMAS, formerly known as MIDAS, was designated a JISC National Data Centre in 1994 thus building upon a long record of providing computing services for UK academics. Since then the service has grown substantially both in terms of its portfolio of datasets and in its user base. As well as relevance to the work of individual researchers there is an increasing interest in the use of online datasets for learning and teaching.
MIMAS also intends to establish a role in the area of digital preservation, looking at the digital preservation requirements of the JISC and eScience to see how MIMAS might contribute to the solution of this growing need.
- Academic research
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
- Technology
MINERVA - Ministerial Network for Valorising Activities in Digitisation
Added 16 March 2004
MINERVA is a network of Member States' Ministries to discuss, correlate and harmonise activities carried out in digitisation of cultural and scientific content for creating an agreed European common platform, recommendations and guidelines about digitisation, metadata, long-term accessibility and preservation. Due to the high level of commitment assured by the involvement of EU governments, it aims to co-ordinate national programmes, and its approach is strongly based on the principle of embeddedness in national digitisation activities. It will also establish contacts with other European countries, international organisations, associations, networks, international and national projects involved in this sector, with a special focus on actions carried out in the DigiCult action of IST.
Contact: Rossella Caffo,
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- Portals
- Standards
MIX : NISO metadata for images
Added 3 August 2006
The Library of Congress' Network Development and MARC Standards Office, in partnership with the NISO Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images Standards Committee and other interested experts, is developing an XML schema for a set of technical data elements required to manage digital image collections. The schema provides a format for interchange and/or storage of the data specified in the NISO Draft Standard Data Dictionary: Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images (Version 1.2). This schema is currently in draft status and is being referred to as "NISO Metadata for Images in XML (NISO MIX)". MIX is expressed using the XML schema language of the World Wide Web Consortium. MIX is maintained for NISO by the Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of Congress with input from users.
Contact: Oya. I. Rieger,
- Metadata
- Standards
NDAD (UK National Digital Archive of Datasets )
Added 16 March 2004
NDAD is the UK National Digital Archive of Datasets, operated by the University of London Computer Centre (ULCC) on behalf of National Archives (Public Record Office and Historic Manuscripts Commission). Its aim is to conserve and, where possible, provide access to many computer datasets from Central Government departments and agencies, deemed worth of preservation by National Archives.
The data remains in the legal custody of National Archives, but is managed by ULCC. NDAD preserves this important data from the ravages of time and technology, and makes it freely available on the web.
- Long-term preservation
- National archives
nestor - Kompetenznetzwerk Langzeitarchivierung
Added 29 March 2004
The project's objective is to create a network of expertise in long-term storage of digital resources for Germany. As the perspective of current and future archive users is central to the project, the emphasis is put on long-term accessibility. Within the project the following offers will be created: a web-based information forum, a platform for information and communication, criteria for trusted digital repositories, recommendations for certification procedures of digital repositories, recommendations for collecting guidelines and selection criteria of digital resources to be archived, guidelines and policies, the concept for a permanent organisation form of the network of expertise in digital preservation. The long-term goal is a permanent distributed infrastructure for long-term preservation and long-term accessability of digital resources in Germany comparable e.g. to the Digital Preservation Coalition in the UK.
Contact: Dr. Heike Neuroth,
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- Standards
- Surveys
Nestor Catalogue of Criteria for Trusted Digital Repositories
Added 16 February 2007
The present criteria catalogue is principally aimed at memory organisations (archives, libraries, museums) and serves as a manual for devising, planning and implementing a trusted digital long-term repository. It can also be used at all stages of development for self-checking.
In addition, this catalogue is intended to provide guidance to all institutions currently administering archives, commercial and non-commercial service providers, and third party service providers.
The aim of this catalogue is to formulate criteria that can be used for a broad spectrum of digital long-term repositories and that will retain their validity over a longer period. The assumption is that a selection of relatively abstract criteria is appropriate. The criteria are each accompanied by extensive explanations and concrete examples from different fields. The examples are state-of-the-art in terms of technology and organisation, although in some cases they may only make sense within the context of a particular archiving task. They make no claim to being exhaustive.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Long-term preservation
- Trusted repositories
Nestor Newsletter 15/2008
Added 20 October 2008
Nestor (Network of Expertise in Long-Term Storage of Digital Resources) Newsletter no. 15.
Selection of topics:
- Into the Archive: How is the information ingested into a digital
- nestor handbook version 1.2 published
- Announcement: nestor Seminar: The PDF/A file format and its possible
applications in digital archives
- Report: nestor / DPE Summer School 2008
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
Networked European Deposit Library (NEDLIB)
Added 16 March 2004
NEDLIB was a collaborative project of European national libraries. It aimed to construct the basic infrastructure upon which a networked European deposit library can be built. The objectives of Nedlib concurred with the mission of national deposit libraries to ensure that electronic publications of the present can be used now and in the future.
The NEDLIB project ended on 31st January 2001. NEDLIB produced guidelines, standards and glossaries on digital preservation.
Contact: Ms Titia van der Werf,
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- National libraries
- Standards
Networking for Digital Preservation: Current Practice in 15 National Libraries
Added 25 July 2006
Libraries all over the world have to deal with fast growing numbers of digital materials that need to be safeguarded. Publications in digital form, online or on cd, digitised images, and born-digital objects need to be preserved and kept accessible. Especially for national libraries, safeguarding the digital heritage is a major issue, because of their legal task to preserve the national heritage of a country. Read more on the state of the art of digital repositories, preservation strategies and current projects in the national libraries of Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Contact: Ingeborg Verheul,
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- National libraries
- Standards
- Surveys
Nordic Web Archive
Added 16 March 2004
The Nordic Web Archive (NWA) is the Nordic National Libraries forum for co-ordination and exchange of experience in the fields of harvesting and archiving web documents. Since November 2000 until July 2002 the NWA cooperation were focused on developing software for accessing archived web documents. This activity was organized as a project with software developers at every Nordic National Library and a Project Manager at the National Library of Norway. The project was funded by Nordunet2 and the Nordic National Libraries. The outcome of the project, a solution for searching and navigating archived web document collections, was named "the NWA toolset". The NWA toolset was built using PHP and Perl. It utilizes open standards like the http protocol and XML extensively for communication between different parts of the system
Contact: Sverre Bang,
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- Standards
- Technology
- Web-archiving
NPO (National Preservation Office)
Added 16 March 2004
The British Library houses the National Preservation Office, which is jointly funded by the Library and other major national institutions.
The aim of the National Preservation Office is to provide an independent focus for ensuring the preservation and continued accessibility of library and archive material held in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
- Long-term preservation
- National libraries
NSF/JISC Workshop on Repositories and the Future of Scholarly Communication
Added 12 October 2007
The report of the NSF/JISC Workshop on Repositories and the Future of
Scholarly Communication held April 17-19, 2007 in Phoenix
- Academic research
- Institutional repositories
- Reports
Open Access: Opportunities and Challenges – A Handbook (EU, UNESCO)
Added 14 July 2008
A Joint publication of the European Commission and the German Commission for UNESCO, 2008. The English version of the handbook, a joint publication with the European Commission’s Science in Society Programme, has just been published. The publication is available in print and electronic version.
The handbook aims to provide information about the opportunities and challenges offered by Open Access, and to present a wide array of issues and positions under debate. The English version of the handbook is a translation of the handbook in German, published by the German Commission for UNESCO in 2007.
- Access
OpenDOAR - The Directory of Open Access Repositories
Added 21 July 2008
OpenDOAR is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. Each OpenDOAR repository has been visited by project staff to check the information that is recorded here. This in-depth approach does not rely on automated analysis and gives a quality-controlled list of repositories.
- Open Access
Oya Y. Rieger: Preservation in the Age of Large-Scale Digitization
Added 13 December 2007
This paper examines large-scale initiatives to identify issues that will influence the availability and usability, over time, of the digital books that these projects create. As an
introduction, the paper describes four key large-scale digitization projects and their digitization strategies. Issues range from the quality of image capture to the commitment and viability of archiving institutions, as well as those institutions’ willingness to
collaborate. The paper also attempts to foresee the likely impacts of large-scale digitization on print collections. It offers a set of recommendations for rethinking a
preservation strategy. It concludes with a plea for collaboration among cultural
institutions. No single library can afford to undertake a project on the scale of Google Book Search; such a library can, however, collaborate with others to address the common challenges that such large projects pose.
- Access
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Digital libraries
- Digitisation
- Long-term preservation
Added 25 July 2006
The National Library of Australia's Preserving Access to Digital Information (PADI) initiative aims to provide mechanisms that will help to ensure that information in digital form is managed with appropriate consideration for preservation and future access.
Its objectives are: to facilitate the development of strategies and guidelines for the preservation of access to digital information; to develop and maintain a web site for information and promotion purposes; to actively identify and promote relevant activities; and to provide a forum for cross-sectoral cooperation on activities promoting the preservation of access to digital information. The PADI web site is a subject gateway to digital preservation resources. It has an associated discussion list padiforum-l for the exchange of news and ideas about digital preservation issues.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- Long-term preservation
- Standards
- Web-archiving
Added 8 April 2005
A joint project of the Universites of Oxford and Manchester to explore the issues involved in preserving digital private papers through gaining practical experience in accessioning and ingesting digital private papers into digital repositories, and processing these in line with archival and digital preservation requirements.
Contact: Susan Thomas,
- Academic research
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Research libraries
- Standards
- Technology
PARADIGM project Workbook on Digital Private Papers
Added 27 February 2008
Best-practice guidelines in the form of a workbook on issues relating to the archiving of personal papers in digital form, made available in sections as they are completed
- Best practice for digital preservation
- General
- Institutional repositories
Partnering in copyright
Added 3 August 2006
Open Access (OA) enables research to meet its full potential by maximising its dissemination and, therefore, usage. This access model is, however, a relatively new one which brings with it a number of challenges, not least of how to manage copyright in the OA environment in a fair and balanced way.
This web site, created as part of the JISC-SURF 'Partnering On Copyright' programme, aims to contribute to a better understanding and awareness of copyright issues regarding OA through the provision of information resources for academic authors, HEI managers and librarians/institutional repository (IR) managers.
Resources include information on OA, self-archiving and copyright targeted at particular stakeholders and also brief general guides on these issues. Practical digital tools have also been created as part of the programme, which can be actively used in order to help encourage, promote and, ultimately, achieve the goal of OA.
Contact: C.D. Jenkins,
- Academic research
- Copyright and licensing
- Electronic publishing
- Open Access
Planetarium - Planets newsletter no. 6
Added 2 March 2009
Planetarium 6 contains a spotlight on the Planets Testbed, a controlled environment where preservation tools can be tested and evaluated. This issue also features articles about Planets beyond 2010 and the Planets all staff meeting. In addition you will find a list of Planets publications and presentations at events, including e.g. iPRES, ECDL2008, RCDL’08, and both the award winning Plato and the SIARD tools presentation are briefly described.
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
Added 25 July 2006
PLANETS will deliver a distributed service environment for the management of digital information preservation, with a special focus on the needs of organisations having the preservation of social and cultural memory as a core task. This includes planning services, methodologies, tools and services for characterisation of digital objects, innovative solutions for preservation actions, and an interoperability framework to seamlessly integrate tools and services in a distributed service network. The project will enable organisations to improve decision-making about long term preservation, ensure long-term access to their valued digital content and control the costs of preservation through increased automation and a scaleable infrastructure.
Contact: Adam Farquahar,
- Co-operation of memory institutions
- Long-term preservation
Planets Newsletter no. 1
Added 24 October 2008
The first Planets newsletter features: the cost of digital obsolesence, establishing the project, and designing the preservation tools and services.
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
- Sustainability and costs
Planets Newsletter no. 2
Added 24 October 2008
The second Newsletter from the Planets project - describing project progress, the collaboration with other EU projects, the first review by the European Commission etc
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
Planets Newsletter no. 3
Added 24 October 2008
The third Planets newsletter describes the project's progress, recent and future dissemination activities, Planets publications and presentations etc.
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
Planets Newsletter no. 4
Added 24 October 2008
The fourth Planets newsletter describes the project's progress, recent and future dissemination activities, Planets publications and presentations. PLATO (Planets preservation planning tool) and the XCEL and XCDL languages, which are key components in the characterisation work done in the project, get a special mentioning in the newsletter. Included are also brief reports from the preservation planning tutorial in Vienna and the project's presence at CeBIT 2008.
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
Planets Newsletter no. 5 (Planetarium)
Added 22 October 2008
This newsletter from the Planets project includes highlights from the annual review, an introduction to Plato, as well as an article introducing a conceptual model for expressing concepts and requirements in digital preservation.
The newsletter also presents detailed lists of recent Planets publications and the project's participation in past and forthcoming events.
Finally, the fifth issue reveals a new name, Planetarium, and general makeover of the publication.
- Long-term preservation
- Research and development
Premis (Preservation Metadata)
Added 3 August 2006
A data dictionary and supporting XML schemas for core preservation metadata needed to support the long-term preservation of digital materials.
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- Standards
PREMIS - Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies (The Foundation Rinascimento Digitale Workshop)
Added 26 February 2009
Documents from Round Table at PREMIS / The Foundation Rinascimento Digitale Workshop (6th February 2009 Palazzina dell'Auditorium - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei).
- Metadata
PREMIS / The Foundation Rinascimento Digitale Workshop Tutorial
Added 26 February 2009
Documents by Rebecca Guenther (Library of Congress) and Angela Dappert (British Library) from the PREMIS / The Foundation Rinascimento Digitale Workshop (5th February 2009, Civita, Piazza Venezia, Roma).
- Metadata
PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata, version 2.0
Added 8 April 2008
This document is a revision of Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata: Final report of the PREMIS Working Group, issued in May 2005. The PREMIS Data Dictionary and its supporting documentation is a comprehensive, practical resource for implementing preservation metadata in digital archiving systems.
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- Standards
PREMIS Tutorials
Added 21 July 2008
The PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata is a specification that provides a key piece of infrastructure for digital preservation activities, playing a vital role in enabling the effective management, discovery, and re-usability of digital information. Preservation metadata provides provenance information, documents preservation activity, identifies technical features, and aids in verifying the authenticity of digital objects. PREMIS is a core set of metadata elements recommended for use in all preservation repositories regardless of the type of materials archived, the type of institution, and the preservation strategies employed. It is maintained by the PREMIS Editorial Committee and is currently in version 2.0, which was issued in April 2008.
- Metadata
Preservation FactoryTM
Added 9 November 2006
Sony Preservation FactoryTM: A Unique Service
The Preservation FactoryTM is a new archive preservation initiative that aims to be the guardian of our audiovisual heritage.
By providing technical solutions for restoring and managing archives in an age of digitalization, Preservation FactoryTM offers institutions, broadcasters, corporations, libraries, museums and many other organisations a way of safeguarding precious material for future generations.
Contact: Andrew Velichko,
- Archives
- Audio-visual media
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Commercial systems
- Community R & D information service
- Consultancy
- Digital libraries
- Format validation
- General
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
- Non governmental professional organizations
- Open Access
- Research and development
- Standards
- Technology
Preservation Metadata
Added 3 March 2008
DPC technology watch report. Brian Lavoie and Richard Gartner.
Keywords: metadata, digital preservation, schema, OAIS, metadata framework,
PREMIS, data dictionary, METS, XML schema, archival information package
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata
Preserving the Data Explosion: Using PDF
Added 24 April 2008
Betsy A. Fanning
This report reviews the use of PDF, portable Document Format, more specifically, PDF/Archive as an archival file format to preserve an organization's knowledge. It should be noted that the use of PDF or PDF/Archive alone will not ensure the long-term preservation of electronic documents. When PDF/Archive is combined with a comprehensive records management program and formally established records policies and procedures, an organization can be sure that their electronic documents will be preserved.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
Preserving the Digital Heritage: Principles and Policies
Added 7 August 2007
Principles and policies for preserving the digital heritage were discussed at the international conference of 4-5 November 2005 in The Hague, organized by the Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the National Library of the Netherlands.
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
PRESTO - Preservation Technologies for European Archives
Added 16 March 2004
PRESTO aims to develop state of the art technology in the preservation of film, video and audio media. The principle partners reflect the largest archives in Europe: BBC (UK), INA (FRANCE) and RAI (ITALY). Information has been collected from other major European archives.
Although not focused on digital preservation specifically (it is primarily concerned with the preservation of analog material), PRESTO addresses questions that are relevant to the issue. Audiovisual material is one of the few areas where digitisation is considered to be the main option for preservation, because the originals are unstable or locked into obsolete technology. Resolving digital preservation issues has a major bearing on the long-term preservation of these materials.
Contact: Gert Kienast,
- Archives
- Audio-visual media
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Standards
- Technology
PRO (Public Record Office)
Added 16 March 2004
The records of government are increasingly created in electronic form and the National Archives are playing an active role in storing and preserving digital material. The diversity of electronic records and frequent changes in computer technology present a range of challenges that need to be tackled in order to ensure that these records remain accessible over the long-term. Work in this area is undertaken at the National Archives by the Digital Preservation Department. The National Archives (PRO) provides advice and guidance to records managers across central government. This covers the entire life cycle of public records, in whatever format, from creation through to destruction or transfer to the National Archives. This work is undertaken in the National Archives by the Records Management Department.
- Consultancy
- Digital curation
- E-government
- Electronic publishing
- Long-term preservation
- National archives
- Standards
- Technology
Added 16 March 2004
The first version of PRONOM was developed by the National Archives Digital Preservation Department in March 2002. Its genesis lies in the need to have ready access to reliable technical information about the nature of the electronic records now being stored in our Digital Archive.
Technical information about the structure of those file formats, and the software products which support them, is therefore a prerequisite for any digital preservation regime. PRONOM was developed to provide this function, initially as an internal resource for TNA staff, and now on the Internet.
PRONOM 2 was released in December 2002, and provided support for the development of multi-lingual versions of the system, through the replacement of field tags. Since that time, considerable effort has been devoted to the development of PRONOM?s content. Digital Preservation staff have undertaken intensive research and liaison with major software developers in order to create an initial core data set of software product information. This work is ongoing, although we would also encourage software developers and others to be proactive in providing information.
The web-enabling of PRONOM (PRONOM 3) marks the latest stage in the evolution of this system. However, in many ways this represents the starting point for the development of PRONOM as a major on-line resource for the international digital preservation community. TNA has detailed plans for major enhancements over the next 2-3 years, including the development of a number of specific tools to support digital preservation activities.
- Long-term preservation
- Technology
Reclaiming India
Added 10 November 2008
This is a critical analysis of the ICT Policies and Strategies of India. It provides suitable Policies and Strategies to the Indian Government in the field of ICT and most of them have been accepted and endorsed by the Government. A special emphasis has been given to Indian Techno-Legal and ICT related Strategies including ICT and Cyber Security of India. It is a Single Place and Exclusive Resource for Legal Framework for Information Society in India and Legal Enablement of ICT Systems in India. It is also discussing the Legal Issues of Digital Preservation in general and in Indian context in particular.
Contact: Mr. Praveen Dalal,
- Academic research
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Consultancy
- Copyright and licensing
- Digitisation
- E-government
- Electronic publishing
- General
- Information management
- Portals
- Research and development
- Standards
- Technology
Recommendations for the creation of PDF files for long-term preservation and access
Added 26 March 2008
To safeguard the long-term storage and access of digital publications in the e-Depot the National Library of the Netherlands/Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) needs to know all ins and outs of the supplied files. Although every file format is accepted, the choice of file format and the chosen settings within a file format can affect the degree to which long term preservation and access can be guaranteed. As 88 per cent of the files in the e-Depot are PDF files, the KB has chosen to publish recommendations for PDF first.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Format validation
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS)
Added 3 August 2006
This document is a technical Recommendation for use in developing a broader consensus on what is required for an archive to provide permanent, or indefinite long-term preservation of digital information.
This Recommendation establishes a common framework of terms and concepts which comprise an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). It allows existing and future archives to be meaningfully compared and contrasted. It perovides a basis for further standardization within an archival context and it should promote greater vendor awarness of, and support of, archival requirements.
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Standards
- Trusted repositories
Repositories - communicating the idea
Added 21 July 2008
The purpose of this site is to gather ideas and opinions about how repositories are defined and consistency between them.
- General
Research Activities of the European National Libraries in the Domain of Cultural Heritage and ICT (2006)
Added 25 July 2006
The report, building on an initial analysis focused on the national libraries in the New Member States, examines the current state-of-the-art in the domain of cultural heritage and ICT in all the CENL National Libraries Members. The report covers also activities connected with digital libraries and repositories. It is obvious that preservation part is either unknown or underestimated with most libraries covered by the survey and report.
Contact: Zinaida Manžuch & Adolf Knoll,
- Digital curation
- Digital libraries
- National libraries
- Surveys
SHERPA project
Added 16 March 2004
SHERPA aims to investigate issues to do with the future of scholarly communication and publishing. In particular, it is initiating the development of openly accessible institutional digital repositories of research output in a number of research universities. These so-called 'e-print archives' will contain papers by researchers from the participating institutions. The project will investigate the IPR, quality control and other key management issues associated with making the research literature freely available to the research community. It will also investigate technical questions, including interoperability between repositories and digital preservation of e-prints.
Contact: Bill Hubbard,
- Academic research
- Electronic publishing
- Institutional repositories
- Open Access
- Research libraries
SNIA 100 Year Archive Requirements Survey Report
Added 13 August 2007
"Digital information is at risk of being lost." That is the warning from 276 long-term archive practitioners who participated in the Storage Networking Industry Association's (SNIA's) 100 Year Archive Requirements Survey Report. The recently released report by the SNIA's Data Management Forum and its 100 Year Archive Task Force captures the operating practices, requirements and issues facing organizations managing large amounts of information
- Archives
- Audio-visual media
- Long-term preservation
- Reports
Strategic Action Agenda for Preservation in Research Libraries
Added 1 March 2007
Recognizing and anticipating the magnitude of changes underway in the information landscape, ARL created the Task Force on the Future of Preservation in ARL Libraries to engage research library leaders, stakeholders, and technical experts to define critical challenges in preservation today and propose an action agenda to meet them. The recommendations described in this report draw heavily on the ideas of thirty colleagues with diverse perspectives on preservation who attended a meeting convened by the Task Force at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, September 27-29, 2006. Participants in this meeting articulated changes in the nature of what must be preserved, highlighted the need for many institutions to work collaboratively to effect preservation, and explored the intersections of preservation and related library practices.
- Reports
- Research libraries
Added 25 September 2006
330 libraries in 25 European countries returned a valid questionaire and therefore we do have the first time ever representative answers on the status quo of digital preservation among all national, general research and academic libraries in the European Community.
- Long-term preservation
- Surveys
The BRICKS Project Website
Added 25 September 2006
The BRICKS Project – Building Resources for Integrated Cultural Knowledge Services – researches and implements advanced open source software solutions for the sharing and the exploitation of digital cultural resources.
- Digital libraries
- Museums
- National archives
- National libraries
The Challenge: Long-term Preservation - conference proceedings
Added 9 May 2007
proceedings from the conference held in Frankfurt, Germany (20th - 21st April 2007)
- Conference proceedings
- Long-term preservation
- Trusted repositories
The cross-walk file matching TRAC, Nestor and DCC criteria
Added 16 April 2007
The cross-walk file matching TRAC, Nestor and DCC criteria
- Trusted repositories
The Digital Black Hole
Added 2 August 2006
The article presents an analysis of costs for digitizing and long-term storage at the Riksarkivet (National Archives, RA) in Stockholm, Sweden. This example includes forecasts of cost development for the next few years which may help other institutions in analysing their own costs and budgeting for long-term storage.
Without long-term planning, digitization projects can come to behave like black holes in the sky. Scanned information, which in the analog world could be accessed simply by the use of our eyes, is suddenly stored in an environment where it is only retrievable through the use of technology, which constitutes a constant cost factor. The more information is converted, the more the costs for accessing it go up. The digital black hole has got its firm grip on the project. It will go on swallowing either money or information: the funding must be continued or the input will have been wasted. If funding starts to fade, the information may still be retrieved but after a while it will no longer be accessible due to corrupted files, or obsolete file formats or technology. Then the digital information is lost for ever in the black hole.
Contact: [email protected],
- Long-term preservation
- Sustainability and costs
The Digital Document Quarterly newsletter vol. 7 no. 3
Added 20 October 2008
This number features a critique of scholarly writing and a continuation of the analysis underlying my prediction that university departments of Information Science will probably disappear within about twenty years.
DDQ's treatment of long-term digital preservation continues, featuring a column about how the technical component can be partitioned into pieces that are individually tractable for small R&D teams.
- Long-term preservation
The DRIVER Guidelines
Added 7 August 2007
In the rapidly evolving repository landscape a unified approach and implementation of repositories is needed to ensure high level interoperability and retrieval of content. DRIVER provides such a unified approach and is leading the way as the largest initiative of its kind helping to enhance repository development worldwide.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digital libraries
- Institutional repositories
The European Repository Landscape - Inventory study into the present type and level of OAI compliant Digital Repository activities in the EU
Added 21 January 2008
The study presents a complete inventory of the state of digital repositories in the 27 countries of the European Union and provides a basis to contemplate the next steps in driving forward an interoperable infrastructure at a European level.
Free access to knowledge and research outputs are important drivers for the knowledge society. The access via the internet to research outputs such as scientific publications and student theses is getting better and easier due to improved retrieval via digital repositories. The study shows that a significant number of EU countries' research universities have developed a digital repository for research output. The study also shows that a smaller proportion of EU countries seem to be in a starting phase, and some countries do not appear to have any digital repositories for the purpose of disseminating research output.
The study concludes that more work is needed to ensure awareness of the Open Access movement across Europe and that further encouragement for the establishment and development of digital repositories will aid in this work.
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Open Access
- Reports
The International Survey of Institutional Digital Repositories
Added 9 November 2007
The study presents data from 56 institutional digital repositories from eleven countries. The 121-page study presents more than 200 tables of data and commentary and is based on data from higher education libraries and other institutions involved in institutional digital repository development.
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Surveys
The large-scale archival storage of digital objects
Added 3 March 2008
Jim Linden, Sean Martin, Richard Masters, and Roderic Parker (The British Library).
This report describes the issues surrounding storage technology from the perspective of a digital repository. It covers the British Library’s thinking that led to conclusions about the design of a system for the preservation storage of digital objects, and the specific conclusions about the preservation storage architecture to adopt. The planning figure for the storage required was that it would grow to over 100 terabytes (100 thousand gigabytes, or 100 million megabytes) in 3 years. A multi-site architecture was selected. Each site would provide, amongst other functions, a software layer providing storage services that was independent of the actual physical storage. This physical storage would use commodity storage units from a number of vendors, which could be replaced over time without having to alter any software. The storage initially purchased uses the relatively new Serial ATA standard.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
The role of a national library in supporting research information infrastructure
Added 20 October 2006
In Australia, the National Library is collaborating with the higher education sector as part of a national program to improve the nation’s research information infrastructure. These activities have provided a focus for the National Library in its engagement with the university community.
This paper is based on the experience of the National Library of Australia during the past three years in working with universities and the federal Department of Education, Science and Training to improve research information infrastructure in Australia.
- Digital libraries
- Institutional repositories
Third PLANETS newsletter
Added 21 February 2008
Third PLANETS newsletter
- General
Towards an Open Source Archival Repository and Preservation System - UNESCO Report
Added 9 July 2007
Recommendations on the Implementation of an Open Source Digital Archival and Preservation System and on Related Software Development
This report was commissioned by UNESCO Memory of the World Programme and prepared with the support of the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories (APSR).
Kevin Bradley, National Library of Australia, led the project, edited the report and is ultimately responsible for its content.
Junran Lei undertook the research and Chris Blackall supported the development of the structure of the document and coordinated APSR’s work.
- Open source
- Reports
Trusted Digital Repositories
Added 3 August 2006
In March 2000 RLG and OCLC began collaboration to establish atributes of a digital repository for research organizations, building on and incorporating the emerging international standard of the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). A trusted repository is one whose mission is to provide reliable, long-term access to managed digital resources to its designated community, now and in the future. In this report the working group has articulated a framework of attributes and responsibilities for trusted, reliable, sustainable digital repositories.
- Digital curation
- Long-term preservation
- Trusted repositories
Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification (TRAC): Criteria and Checklist
Added 26 March 2007
The Audit Checklist for the Certification of Trusted Digital Repositories, originally developed by RLG-NARA Digital Repository Certification Task Force, has been revised and expanded. The revised version is entitled: Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria and Checklist (TRAC).
- Institutional repositories
- Long-term preservation
- Trusted repositories
Using the Audit Checklist for the Certification of a Trusted Digital Repository as a Framework for Evaluating Repository Software Applications
Added 18 December 2006
Digital library initiatives have encouraged the development and implementation of repository software applications such as DSpace, Eprints, and Greenstone. These applications are being commonly deployed within the context of institutional or digital repositories. As the boundaries of, and landscapes around, institutional or digital repositories become more clearly defined and expressed, there is a greater need to have useful methods for evaluating repository software applications and the role they play in the broader context of repository services. Regarding digital preservation specifically, the 2005 RLG/NARA Audit Checklist for the Certification of a Trusted Digital Repository, Draft for Public Comment (Audit Checklist) is a current document under consideration for determining an institution's ability to be a Trusted Digital Repository. The NDIIPP-sponsored ECHO DEPository project is proposing a framework of evaluation for repository software applications based on the Audit Checklist in conjunction with a common software evaluation scoring methodology. This paper provides an overview of our work to date in this area.
- Institutional repositories
- Trusted repositories
What Are Data? The Many Kinds of Data and Their Implications for Data Re-Use
Added 9 February 2007
authors - Samuelle Carlson & Ben Anderson
One key feature of e-science is to encourage archiving and release of data so that they are available in digitally-processable forms for re-use almost from the point of collection. This assumes particular processes of translation by which data can be made visible in transportable and intelligible forms. It also requires mechanisms by which data quality and provenance can be trusted once "disconnected" from their producers. By analyzing the "life stages" of data in four academic projects, we show that these requirements create difficulties for disciplines where tacit knowledge and craft-like methods are deeply embedded in researchers, as well as for disciplines producing non-digital heterogeneous data or data derived from people rather than from material phenomena. While craft practices and tacit knowledges are a feature of most scientific endeavors, some disciplines currently appear more inclined to attempt to formalize or at least record these knowledges. We discuss the implications this has for the e-science objective of widespread data re-use.
- General
White Paper: "Representation Information Registries"
Added 17 March 2008
This document is a report on the state-of-the-art in the field of Representation Information Registries (RIRs). RIRs are widely recognised as a critical component of digital preservation architecture in general, and a number of such registries are being developed as part of the Planets architecture in particular. This document discusses the development of the concept of representation information, and of the use of registries as a means of exposing that information for use by digital preservation services; it describes the RIR implementations which currently exist or are under development globally; it assesses planned and potential future developments in this area; it discusses the role which RIRs play within the Planets project, and concludes with recommendations for future areas of research within Planets and beyond.
- Best practice for digital preservation
- Format validation
- Long-term preservation
- Metadata