FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
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University of Hagen, Chair of Multimedia and Internet Applications,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hemmje
The FernUniversität in Hagen (FUH) is currently one of the biggest
universities in Germany, with some 45,000 students and 1,700 courses.
The FUH is the German centre for distance collaborative teaching and
learning in virtual communities, including development and use of
respective solutions. Higher education provided by universities
requires continual re-orientation. Having accepted this challenge,
FUH is today a university of the future for a world of tomorrow.
FUH’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chair of
Multimedia and Internet Applications: This research group, led by
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hemmje is involved in research on Virtual
Information and Knowledge Environments with special focus on distributed
collaborative digital libraries, multimedia archives, information retrieval,
filtering, linking, enrichment, personalization, and information
In addition, the group has a strong background in middleware design for
Computing with an emphasis on distributed, e.g., peer-to-peer, architectures
and the management of distributed location data.
The group is building on research expertise from a long standing history
in national and European projects. Selected examples are: ETRDL
(The ERCIM Technical Reference Digital Library), HyperSM
(Hyperstructure-Based Search Methods for the WWW), IMAGINE (Extracting
Knowledge from Large Collections), MAGIC (Retrieval support through
dynamic indexing), MERIT (Multimedia retrieval interface with case-based
dialogue guidance), MIRACLE (Abductive information retrieval of multimedia
PRIMAVERA (Personalised Retrieval and Indexing of Media Assets in Virtual
Environments for Real-time Access), ProCORDIS (Multilingual indexing and
search in CORDIS databases), SCHOLNET (Digital Library Testbed to Support
Networked Scholarly Communities), TREVI (Personalized Information Filtering,
Linking, and Delivery for the News), VIKEF (Virtual Information and
Environment Framework), DELITE Online (Support for knowledge management in
research groups), Digital Preservation Europe (Coordination Action), NESTOR
(Network of Excellence for Digital Preservation and Lont-tem archival).
View the website for FernUniversität in Hagen