Austrian Computer Society (OCG), Austria
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The objective of the The Austrian Computer Society is the comprehensive and interdisciplinary promotion of information processing, with due regard to its effects on man and society. In fulfilling this objective, the Society performs five primary functions:
It serves as an umbrella organization of associations, organizations, and institutions in Austria involved in information processing (institutional members).
It represents Austria in the IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) and in similar regional associations (e.g. CEPIS - the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies - and IMIA - the International Medical Informatics Association).
It is affiliate member of ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) and of the IEEE Computer Society.
It provides members with services, information and consultation.
It promotes research and development projects, especially those of an interdisciplinary nature.
It has established several Working Groups dealing with specialized aspects in the field of information technology.
It organizes international conferences and congresses and helps its member institutions to organize such events.
The Austrian Computer Society
has set up a working group on Digital Longterm Preservation:
View the website for Austrian Computer Society (OCG)