Vienna University of Technology, Austria
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One core area of activity is the development of Preservation Planning approaches for specifying and evaluating preservation plans according to the particular requirements of stakeholders. The approach builds on Utility Analysis and a thoroughly defined workflow for reaching informed and accountable decisions on which preservation solution to adopt.
Preservation Requirements Analysis and Specification is central to this approach. Requirements are elicited and organised in a tree structure called objective tree. Current research aims at automating the planning procedure and introducing software for supporting the decision process. To achieve this, we are integrating distributed services for preservation action and characterisation and developing best-practice models.
Apart from requirements for institutional settings, Home Archiving is gaining importance to serve the preservation needs of private users and small offices.
We are also working towards analysing and concretising the reference model for an Open Archival Information System .
A further stronghold of digital preservation research is Web Archiving , where we are active in research on building national web archives as well as analysis and mining of web archive data.
Another field of activity is Training , wherein we are working towards better education possibilities in related fields. This includes the development of curricula for digital preservation at universities as well as continuing education in terms of workshops and seminars for professionals.
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