CNR-Opera del Vocabolario Italiano / The Italian Dictionary, Italy
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The Italian Dictionary (OVI-Opera del Vocabolario Italiano) is an Institute of the C.N.R. with the institutional task of compiling an historical dictionary of the Italian language. At present the researchers of the OVI are working on the first section of this dictionary, called Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini -(TLIO), i.e. "Thesaurus of the oldest Italian language". To make this possible, a large database of Old Italian texts has been created and a specific software, called GATTO (acronym of Gestione degli Archivi Testuali del Tesoro delle Origini), has been developed: the Internet version, which allow to search into GATTO corpora through the web, is GattoWeb. All resources producted by this Institute are available at the Internet address www.vocabolario.org (free of charge).
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