Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze, Italy
Please note that links to competence centres are external and the DPE is not responsible for the content of external sites.
BNCF was one of the partners of NEDLIB project and from then on our National Library is trying to face the requirements of long term digital preservation.
Up to now BNCF owns 7.2 TB of digital publications as result of web archiving projects (we
are among the founders of International Internet Preservation Consortium) and according to recent Italian legislation BNCF will receive the legal deposit of Italian digital publications (both online and offline).
We are storing also more than 13TB of digital objects (as result of digitization projects of BNCF collections).
Starting last year BNCF is working (together with National Library of Rome and funded also by Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale) on the "Digital Stacks project". The project is setting up an - hardware, software and policies - infrastructure for the long term preservation, focusing on:
1) reliability over the long term of the hardware and software infrastructure and
2) certification as Trusted Digital Repository
View the website for Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze