HATII, University of Glasgow, UK
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Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute encourages and facilitates the use of information and communication technology to enhance research and teaching in the arts and humanities.
The Institute:
Runs an academic programme in arts and media informatics at introductory, honours, and postgraduate level;
Undertakes an extensive research programme on the boundaries between the analogue and digital;
Promotes transdisciplinary research projects;
Supports and assists in the innovative use of computing in teaching and research within the Faculty;
Its Arts Support Team develops and manages the teaching laboratories and computer classrooms for the Faculties of Arts and supplies a range of advanced network services and desktop support to 300 staff, 600 postgraduates and 4,100 undergraduates.
HATII Research
HATII's research concentrates in the areas of technologies, methods, and theoretical developments that enable (a) access-by combining context and hierarchy with interoperable metadata to improve information management and use, (b) content analysis and appraisal-by exploring the applicability of the records continuum paradigm, of the functional analysis of information systems and re-examining basic assumptions about archival theory and practice in the light of knowledge management, (c) evaluation and impact methodologies-for the use of digital resources in research, and (d) preservation-by developing, and evaluating techniques and technologies and defining strategies that provide curators and content owners with access to best practice guidelines and appropriate technology services.
View the website for HATII, University of Glasgow