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UKOLN (http://www.ukoln.ac.uk) provides advice and services on digital library and information management technologies to UK further and higher education, research and cultural heritage institutions. Digital preservation and curation research is an important and significant (though not the only) area of interest and activity at UKOLN. Through its involvement in the UK Digital Curation Centre and a range of other research projects, UKOLN has built-up broad expertise in digital preservation topics, particularly with regard to preservation metadata and the long-term curation of Web content and e-mail. Apart from the DCC, UKOLN's current digital preservation-related research activities include the DELOS network of excellenece, projects on through-life knowledge and information management in engineering (the KIM project) and the development of repositories for providing ongoing access to materials, particularly through the EBank project on crystallographic datasets (eBank UK), and the Repositories Support Project.
Further information about other research and activities at UKOLN can be found on the UKOLN website.
View the website for UKOLN