Perry4Law, India
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Digital preservation is not an easy task. On the one hand there are technical requirements that are difficult to manage whereas on the other hand the legal and regulatory norms become hindrance in the process in certain circumstances. The Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) issues in the digital era are also closely related to the requirements of Digital Preservation. With the rapid advancement of technology day by day, old applications and methods are becoming obsolete. We need to upgrade them from time to time. We also need to change form of various IPRs protected works from one form to another. This sometimes results in copyright, trademark, patents, etc violations. In short, IPRs issues in the digital era and cyber space are difficult to manage and we need both good policies and laws to manage the same effectively. Similarly, issues of “Legal Deposit” of electronic contents (e-contents) or materials also require a special attention. This thread aims at discussing these issues with a special reference to Indian situation.
With these objectives in mind, Perry4Law (http://perry4law.com/index1.htm) has started initiatives like Digital Rights Protection And Management in India. It is providing useful information and suggestions to the Government of India on the one hand and managing the techno-legal issues like DMCA, Digital Rights, Public Interest Balancing, etc on the other.
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