National eScience Centre (NeSC), UK
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NeSC Mission Statement
- To stimulate and sustain the development of e-Science in the UK, to contribute significantly to its international development and to ensure that its techniques are rapidly propagated to commerce and industry.
- To identify and support e-Science projects within and between institutions in Scotland, and to provide the appropriate technical infrastructure and support in order to ensure rapid uptake of e-Science techniques by Scottish scientists.
- To encourage the interaction and bi-directional flow of ideas between computing science research and e-Science applications
- To develop advances in scientific data curation and analysis and to be a primary source of top quality systems and repositories that enable management, sharing and best use of research data.
eSI Mission Statement
- To stimulate the creation of new insights in e-Science and computing science by providing the "reactor vessel and catalysts" which bring together international experts and encourage them to successfully address significant and diverse challenges.
View the website for National eScience Centre (NeSC)