Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS), UK
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The Arts and Humanities Data Service is a UK national service funded by the JISC and AHRC to collect, preserve and promote the electronic resources which result from research and teaching in the arts and humanities.
By preserving collections made in the arts and the humanities, the AHDS encourages research and educational use of its collections and makes information about them available through online catalogues.
The identification and promotion of shared standards is critical to the AHDS's work. Preserving and exchanging digital information relies upon their widespread adoption and so does a more integrated approach to resource discovery which may help our users to find the resources they require irrespective of where they are located or how they are stored.
The AHDS seeks the widest possible collaboration in identifying such standards and documents and promotes these in its Guides to Good Practice, and its Information Papers. Via a strong national training programme and a range of other user services, the AHDS also promotes awareness amongst a number of UK communities about the importance and value of electronic information and provides guidance in its effective creation and use.
Finally, the AHDS facilitates fruitful partnerships between those communities in order to enhance the production and preservation of high-quality digital resources, and to provide more uniform access to them.
View the website for Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS)