Salzburg Research, Austria
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Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft is the non-profit research organisation of the State of Salzburg. It is located within the grounds of Salzburg Techno-Z, one of Europe's largest information technology parks.
Salzburg Research conducts applied research in the areas of information and communication technologies with a focus on creating and managing digital content. We presently employ 55 researchers across our application areas of Digital Media, eCulture, eTourism and EduMedia.
Salzburg Research offers a combination of strategic and practical solutions in technology and social development. Our mix of lead international projects, national competence centres, Pan European pilot studies and local consulting contracts, provides a dynamic flow of innovation and knowledge between our regional, national and international clients and partners. Our clients and partners include private companies, national and international technology leaders and public bodies such as governments, public administration, libraries and other educational and social institutions.
View the website for Salzburg Research