Università di Urbino, Istbal, Italy
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The Institute, as part of the University of Urbino, organises special courses at master level and manages national and international research programmes in the area of archival science, electronic record-keeping systems, librarianship, information studies and legal studies for cultural heritage and digital preservation. The Institute has been and is involved in many national and international projects specifically related to the preservation environment: partner in CASPAR, partner in ERPANET; partner in DELOS2 specifically in the Digital preservation cluster; as Italian coordinator in the InterPARES projects 1, 2 and 3; in the NPACI environment with reference to the NARA-DOCT project for the preservation of Persistent Archival Objects; in the project funded by the Italian Ministry for University and scientific research in a industrial research project (3D Informatica, CNR, Consorzio Roma Ricerche) to run as testbed in evolving an Information Retrieval application; for the preparation of the dossiers on the policies for preservation existing at European level and on digital preservation disasters and emergencies for the International Conference of Florence on Digital Preservation /16- 17 October 2003). The institute also runs many projects at application level.
View the website for Università di Urbino, Istbal