Register as a DPE User Community member here.
Registration Agreement
DPE is a coordination action, addressing the needs and challenges in the digital preservation arena, looking forward to transforming them in resources and opportunities for the user community, in particular in the field of scientific and cultural sectors. With this aim, the coordination action is an instrument to promote and support the networking and coordination of research and innovation activities and widely promote results and knowledge for the user community.
The project must accomplish two macro objectives:
- to foster collaboration and synergies among on-going projects and existing initiatives across the European Research Area and worldwide;
- to raise up awareness on, and the criticality of, digital preservation challenges and to help policymakers, professionals and citizens in recognising the central role of digital preservation issues and the need for action in this field.
The objectives are therefore directed to create a network for spreading the consciousness of digital preservation issues, through the encouragement in clustering, sharing and disseminating information. In order to accomplish these objectives, the focus of the coordination action is identified in clustering different types of partners to develop a framework of members, creating a coordinating synergy. Partners, both individual or Institutions, that would like to join the DPE community and benefit from the available opportunities can subscribe to this Registration Agreement.
Some of the benefits include:
- Free access to all DPE publications.
- Discount of 30% for attendance at all DPE training events, workshops and conferences.
- Access to the DPE Exchange Programme (DPEX).
- Access to the DPE Challenge.
- Access to the forthcoming online DRAMBORA toolkit.
- Access to the DPE user forum where DPE partners can share examples of best practice and exchange ideas and opinions with leading experts and practitioners at an international level.
- Access to a periodic newsletter including events listings, announcements and publications.