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The DPE lists 23 events that took place in September 2008
International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPres) 2008
September 29th 2008 - September 30th 2008
British Library Conference Centre, London, UK
iPres 2008 is the fifth in a series of international conferences dedicated to promoting understanding and best practice in digital preservation. This is becoming increasingly pressing as the value and... [More]
PREMIS Tutorial in conjunction with DCMI 2008 in Berlin
September 26th 2008
The Library of Congress: PREMIS Managing Agency
This tutorial provides an introduction to PREMIS and its data model, a walk-through of the Data Dictionary, examples of PREMIS metadata in real situations, and implementation considerations, particula... [More]
Transformation as Stability: Audiovisual Archives in the Era of New Media
September 24th 2008 - September 27th 2008
Tartu, Estonia
This year the conference takes a look at the rapidly developing media and the changes it has brought to the audiovisual archives. The new media has turned our world from textual to audiovisual one. In... [More]
Open Access and Research Conference 2008
September 24th 2008 - September 25th 2008
Stamford Plaza, Brisbane, Australia
This exciting international conference is a must-attend event for researchers, academics, educators and anyone with interests and expertise in open access that recognises the need to remain current i... [More]
Final Conference of MINERVAeC
September 24th 2008 - September 26th 2008
MINERVAeC, in cooperation with Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig and Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz.
Leipzig (Germany)
The Title of the Conference is: "European standards and guidelines for the access to digital cultural content". The thematic network MINERVAeC will end its operation in September 2008. All tho... [More]
meta | morphosis 08: a film-to-digital institute
September 24th 2008 - September 25th 2008
University of Kentucky Libraries
Lexington, Kentucky (USA)
Two-day workshop to help institutions interested in transforming content from microfilm into digital objects. Workshop is organised by Preservation and Digital Programs group at the University of Kent... [More]
DC 2008 - International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications - "Metadata for Semantic and Social Applications"
September 22nd 2008 - September 26th 2008
Berlin, Germany
DC-2008 will focus on metadata challenges, solutions, and innovation in initiatives and activities underlying semantic and social applications. Metadata is part of the fabric of social computing, whi... [More]
First Workshop on "Very Large Digital Libraries"
September 19th 2008
In conjunction with ECDL 2008
Aarhus, Denmark
In today’s information society the demand for Digital Libraries is changing. The implementation of nowadays Digital Libraries is more demanding than in the past. Information consumers are facing wit... [More]
IWAW 2008 - The 8th International Web Archiving Workshop
September 18th 2008 - September 19th 2008
Aarhus, Denmark
The workshop will provide a cross domain overview on active research and practice in all domains concerned with the acquisition, maintenance and preservation of digital objects for long-term access, w... [More]
2nd European Workshop on the use of Digital Object Repository Systems in Digital Libraries
September 18th 2008
along with ECDL
Aarhus, Denmark
Digital libraries and digital repositories are - in many ways - two sides of the same coin. This workshop brings together researchers and practitioners from both fields, and aims to transfer knowledge... [More]
Information Access to Cultural Heritage: ECDL 2008 Workshop, Aarhus (Denmark)
September 18th 2008
Aarhus University
Aarhus (Denmark)
The Information Access to Cultural Heritage (IACH) workshop will bring together academics carrying out research in the area of information access and practitioners working in the cultural heritage fie... [More]
Annual Conference of CIDOC: The Digital Curation of Cultural Heritage (CIDOC 2008)
September 15th 2008 - September 18th 2008
Athens, Greece
Digital curation emerged as an important new concept in the theory and management of cultural information. It covers all of the actions needed to maintain digitised and born-digital cultural object... [More]
ECDL 2008
September 14th 2008 - September 19th 2008
Aarhus, Denmark
ECDL is the major European conference on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues, bringing together researchers, developers, content providers, and users in the field [More]
The IASA Conference 2008 - No Archive is an Island
September 14th 2008 - September 19th 2008
The Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney
The survival of sound and audiovisual archives is dependant on the exchange of ideas, shared standards, similar technological approaches and mutual support. The conference will explore the activities,... [More]
DRHA 2008: 'New Communities of Knowledge and Practice'
September 14th 2008 - September 17th 2008
University of Cambridge, UK
The DRHA (Digital Resources in the Humanities and Arts) conference is held annually at various academic venues throughout the UK. The conference theme this year is to promote discussion around new col... [More]
September 14th 2008
Aarhus, Denmark
http://visit www.ecdl2008.org/registration
Introduction The fast changes of technologies in today’s information landscape have considerably shortened the lifespan of digital objects. Digital preservation has become a pressing challenge... [More]
Workshop E-Government and Digital Archives
September 11th 2008
Munich, Germany
During the German Computer Science conference Informatik 2008, a workshop about EGovernment and Digital Archives is scheduled to take place at the 11th of September 2008. [More]
ALT-C 2008 - Rethinking the digital divide
September 9th 2008 - September 11th 2008
Leeds, UK
The theme for ALT-C 2008 will be "Rethinking the digital divide". ALT-C 2008 will explore the complex dichotomies presented by learning technologies to citizens, learning providers, and society. The c... [More]
Understanding Organisational Cultures: Impact on Repository Growth and Development
September 9th 2008
Cranfield University
About The Event This timely event brings together researchers and repository developers to debate the issues relating to organisational culture and how this affects the growth and development ... [More]
Rights and Repositories Programme Meeting
September 5th 2008
The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
This is a one day meeting for projects in the repositories and preservation programme. The aim of the event is to provide practical advice about intellectual property issues for repositories and to of... [More]
Up Close and Personal: Our Changing Roles in a Digital Learning Age
September 5th 2008
NoWAL (North West Academic Libraries)
Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, England
The conference aims to explore the following strands in the context of role change and working differently: -Innovative partnerships and relationships that are emerging to enhance e-learning support ... [More]
Open Access, Repositories, and More.. (Live Online)
September 4th 2008
online class
Solinet offers classes on a multitude of current library topics. This online class covers the elements of the open access movement, scholarly communications, and digital repositories. [More]
E-Resource Wrangling: An Introduction to ERMS (Live Online)
September 4th 2008
online class
Solinet offers classes on a multitude of current library topics. This two-hour online class is a basic introduction to Electronic Resource Management Systems (ERMS), its capabilities and its limitatio... [More]