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The DPE lists 18 events that took place in September 2007
2007 DOCAM International Summit - Documentation and Conservation of New Media Arts Heritage (DOCAM)
September 26th 2007 - September 27th 2007
Documentation and Conservation of New Media Arts Heritage (DOCAM)
Montreal, Canada (The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts)
For the third consecutive year, the DOCAM Research Alliance, in collaboration with the Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology, will hold an international summit on the issues surro... [More]
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
September 25th 2007 - September 28th 2007
Swissôtel The Stamford, Singapore
CEC 2007 will feature a world-class conference that aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of evolutionary computation and computational intelligence from all around the glo... [More]
NISO E-Resource Management Forum: The What, Why, and How for Managing E-Resources
September 24th 2007 - September 25th 2007
The Magnolia Hotel in Denver, Colorado
The how-to character of the Forum will provide practical guidance both to librarians currently implementing electronic resources management systems and those weighing ERM options. Subscription agent... [More]
Towards an European repository ecology: ECDL2007 Workshop
September 21st 2007
Budapest, Hungary
Although the underpinning technical protocols and models of repository interaction, such as those underpinning JISC’s Information Environment, are well documented and publicised, it can still be diffi... [More]
CISG Digital curation and preservation. What's it all about?
September 21st 2007
University of Edinburgh
The objective of this seminar is to give an overview of the current and emerging approaches to the preserving of digit information and records. The seminar will look at the current issues around not o... [More]
Second Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries
September 20th 2007
ECDL 2007
Budapest, Hungary
Topics The workshop will focus on the modeling of the main aspects that characterize the Digital Library universe: Content, User, Functionality, Policy, Quality and Architecture. For each one of th... [More]
LADL2007 - Workshop on "Cross-Media and Personalized Learning Applications on top of Digital Libraries"
September 20th 2007
Budapest, Hungary
The objective of the workshop is to discuss roles and functions of digital libraries as content providers within e-learning applications and services as well as the development of eLearning systems an... [More]
Curriculum Development in Digital Libraries: An Exercise in Developing Lesson Plans
September 20th 2007
Workshop on ECDL2007
Budapest, Hungary
There is an urgent need for curriculum development in digital libraries. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in digital library (DL) research and development, a part of which has explor... [More]
ECDL 2007 - 11th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
September 16th 2007 - September 21st 2007
Budapest, Hungary
This unique and well-established series brings together researchers, developers and practitioners working in various disciplines and related areas of digital libraries all over the world. The conferen... [More]
IASA-BAAC Conference : Building an Archive for the Future
September 15th 2007 - September 20th 2007
BAA council
Riga, Latvia
The conference will address themes associated with the tasks audiovisual archives are facing in a world undergoing rapid changes. It is essential that archives develop new ways to meet future demands.... [More]
Libraries Without Walls 7: Exploring 'anytime, anywhere' delivery of library services
September 14th 2007 - September 18th 2007
An international conference organised by CERLIM
Delphinia Hotel, Molyvos, Aegean Island of Lesvos, Greece
In 2007 we wish to encourage the widest possible range of papers to reflect the diverse current developments in library service delivery. We anticipate that papers may cover: New kinds of service, ... [More]
September 13th 2007 - September 14th 2007
VVBAD (Flemish Association of Archivists, Librarians & Documentalists)
Ghent, Belgium
Biennial conference of the Flemish Association of Archivists, Librarians and Documentalists. [More]
meta | morphosis: the university of kentucky institute
September 12th 2007 - September 13th 2007
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky
The experienced Preservation and Digital Programs group at the University of Kentucky Libraries has organized an intensive two-day workshop to help institutions interested in transforming content from... [More]
Discovering eprints: finding needles in the haystack?
September 12th 2007
European Research Institute, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Campus, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT
JIBS and JISC Collections will jointly host this one day conference aimed primarily at library and information practitioners within the higher and further education sectors but anyone interested in th... [More]
AHM 2007 - UK e-Science 2007 All Hands Meeting
September 10th 2007 - September 13th 2007
East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK
The aim of the meeting is to provide a forum in which e-Science projects from all disciplines can be discussed, and where the results from projects can be demonstrated. The conference will therefore f... [More]
Social Sciences Conference
September 10th 2007 - September 13th 2007
University of Granada
The conference will examine the nature of disciplinary and interdisciplinary practices across the social sciences, as well as the relation of the social to the natural sciences, applied sciences and t... [More]
DRHA 2007 - Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts
September 9th 2007 - September 12th 2007
Darlington, UK
DOING DIGITAL: USING DIGITAL RESOURCES IN THE ARTS AND HUMANITIES Bringing together creators, practitioners, users, distributors, and custodians of Digital Resources in the Arts and Humanities. Th... [More]
DPE, PLANETS, and CASPAR Second Annual Conference: Progress towards Addressing Digital Preservation Challenges
September 5th 2007 - September 6th 2007
Instituto dos Arquivos Nacionais — Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal
The event will provide an insight into leading-edge research and development activity from a number of EC-funded projects including CASPAR, PLANETS, and DPE. Collaboration is a key objective for all o... [More]