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The DPE lists 14 events that took place in October 2008
2nd Workshop on Information Credibility on the Web (WICOW 2008)
October 30th 2008
in conjunction with 17th ACM CIKM 2008
Napa Valley, California
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussion about issues related to information credibility and its evaluation. As computers and computer networks become more sophisticated, a hug... [More]
Media in Motion: The Challenge of Preservation in the Digital Age
October 29th 2008
Montreal, Canada
The interdisciplinary event aims to bring together graduate students across the sciences, humanities, and social sciences in order to explore the many facets of media art preservation. [More]
Copyright for Repositories - Staff Training Workshop
October 28th 2008 - October 28th 2008
Repositories Support Project
University of Northampton (UK)
Copyright for Repositories Staff Training Workshop is held by Repositories Support Project and SUETr (Start-up and Enhancement Projects Training). The purpose of this event is to help repository ma... [More]
The 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2008)
October 26th 2008 - October 30th 2008
Karlsruhe, Germany
The Web continues to grow and new technologies, modes of interactions, and applications are being developed. Building on this growth, Semantic Web technologies aim at providing a shared semantic infor... [More]
OAEI-2008 - Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative
October 26th 2008
Karlsruhe, Germany
OAEI-2008 is the fifth OAEI campaign. It will consist of four tracks gathering eight data sets and different evaluation modalities. The tracks cover: (i) comparison track (systematic benchmark ser... [More]
ACM Seventeenth Conference on Information and Knowledge Management CIKM 2008
October 26th 2008 - October 30th 2008
Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa, California, USA
CONFERENCE THEMES Since 1992, the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) has successfully brought together leading researchers and developers from the database, information re... [More]
VSMM 2008 "Digital Heritage: Our Hi-tech-STORY for the Future"
October 20th 2008 - October 26th 2008
Limassol, Cyprus
The VSMM 2008 joint event will focus on interdisciplinary and multi- disciplinary research concerning both cutting edge Cultural Heritage Informatics and use of technology for the representation, d... [More]
Digital Preservation Training Programme
October 20th 2008 - October 22nd 2008
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK
The Digital Preservation Training Programme (DPTP) is predicated on the need for institutions to combine organisational and technological perspectives to devise an appropriate response to the challeng... [More]
Digital Preservation Management: Short-Term Solutions for Long-Term Problems
October 19th 2008 - October 24th 2008
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), at the University of Michigan is offering a digital preservation training program based on and continuing the curriculum deve... [More]
The Frankfurt Book Fair
October 15th 2008 - October 19th 2008
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Everyone who is anyone in the industry will be there: authors and publishers, booksellers and librarians, art dealers and illustrators, agents and journalists, information brokers and readers. Not on... [More]
Second International Symposium on Information Interaction in Context
October 14th 2008 - October 17th 2008
London, UK
The availability of information across media and genres, across languages, and across modalities constantly increases. How people access this information is highly dependent on the context of their in... [More]
Workshop: Stewardship of Digital Assets
October 14th 2008 - October 15th 2008
The Northeast Document Conservation Center
Tacoma, Washington
Through a combination of lecture, case studies, and interactive sessions, a faculty of digital experts will lead an interactive, hands-on workshop. You will learn about the long-term needs of the digi... [More]
IADIS international conference WWW/Internet 2008
October 13th 2008 - October 15th 2008
Freiburg, Germany
The IADIS WWW/Internet 2008 conference aims to address the main issues of concern within WWW/Internet. WWW and Internet had a huge development in recent years. Aspects of concern are no longer just te... [More]
DCC Digital Curation 101 Workshop
October 6th 2008 - October 10th 2008
Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
Edinburgh (Scotland)
To assist researchers in developing sound data management and curation plans, the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) has developed the Digital Curation 101 course to provide an introduction to digital c... [More]