Peruse a list of the latest announcements concerning digital preservation initiatives. If you have an announcement that you'd like to add to the list you can submit your announcement here.
LIBER Quarterly vol. 19 No. 1 - Digital preservation issue
Posted on 26th March 2009
Digital curation special in LIBER Quarterly vol. 19 No. 1 features four digital preservation papers in preparation of Workshop on Curating Research on 17 April in The Hague. More Info
Digital Preservation Roadshows 2009 -10
Posted on 25th March 2009
A series of roadshows is to be held around the UK to raise awareness of digital preservation tools and techniques. These are being run by the Society of Archivists in partnership with the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC), The National Archives, the Planets project and Cymal.
The events aim to raise awareness of the issues, to demonstrate that there are solutions that don’t involve spending large amounts of money, and to show how to take the first, small, incremental steps in this field. More Info
A new Ariadne study: Preserving Local Archival Heritage for Ongoing Accessibility
Posted on 9th March 2009
New Ariadne Issue 58 describes the recent digital preservation initiatives in the local authority archives sector. The aim of the survey (available from the DPC Web site) was to collect a snapshot of current preparedness for digital preservation within the local authority archive sector. More Info
New documents from February PREMIS workshop published
Posted on 26th February 2009
Documents from PREMIS / The Foundation Rinascimento Digitale Workshop (5th-6th February 2009 in Roma now available). Links can be found at DPE Resources site.
Call for participation: TrebleCLEF Summer School on Multilingual Information Access (15-19 June 2009)
Posted on 19th February 2009
The aim of the Summer School is to give participants a grounding in the core topics that constitute the multidisciplinary area of Multilingual Information
Access (MLIA). Both theoretical and practical issues will be addressed. The School is intended for advanced undergraduate and post-graduate students, post-doctorial researchers plus academic and industrial researchers and system developers with backgrounds in Computer Science, Information Science, Language Technologies and related areas. The focus of the school will be on "How to build effective multilingual information retrieval systems and how to evaluate them". More Info
New nestor Newsletter 16/2009 released
Posted on 19th February 2009
The current issue no. 16 of the nestor (Network of Expertise in Long-Term Storage of Digital Resources) newsletter is now available in English language. More Info
Call for help - Digital Curation Centre Public Survey
Posted on 10th February 2009
To evaluate the level of current curation activity and the DCC's effectiveness in raising awareness regarding digital curation issues, DCC would like to invite everyone in a role in the life-cycle of digital information to complete on-line survey.
The deadline for completing this survey is February 13th, 2009. More Info
The Call for Contributions for ECDL2009
Posted on 9th February 2009
Relevant topics for the 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries (September 27 - October 2, 2009, Corfu, Greece) include, but are not limited to:
* Digital Library Architectures: Grids
* Formal Issues in Digital Libraries
* Conceptual Views of Digital Libraries
* User Interfaces
* Strategic Infrastructure
* Metadata Schemas
* Semi Structured Data
* Interoperability & Data Integration
* Digital Curation
* Digital Archiving and Preservation
* Collection Development & Management and Policies
* Legal Issues
* Semantic Web Issues in Digital Libraries
* Information Retrieval
* Multilingual Information Retrieval
* Multimedia Information Retrieval
* Personalization in Digital Libraries
* Ontologies and Knowledge Organization Systems
* Social Networking & Web 2.0 Technologies
* User Studies & Digital Library Evaluation
* Log Data in Digital Libraries More Info
New Issue - DPC What's new in digital preservation - Issue no. 19
Posted on 9th February 2009
The issue for September 2008 – December 2008. It is a summary of selected recent activity in the field of digital preservation compiled from a number of resources including the digital-preservation and padiforum-l mailing lists. Additional or related items of interest may also be included. 4 main areas: 1. News from organisations and initiatives 2. Specific themes 3. Other publications 4. Events. More Info
Posted on 5th February 2009
The British Library is pleased to offer its first internship in the area of Digital Preservation. The internship will take place for four months between March and June 2009. Funding for the internship is provided by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR).
We are seeking to offer an internship to a graduate or equivalent, with experience in Library Information or Computer Science. The intern will work specifically on the LIFE (Life Cycle Information for E-Literature) project as part of the Digital Preservation Team within the Collection Care Department. LIFE is a collaborative project between University College London and the British Library.
The candidate will be selected on the basis of knowledge in relation to the project, previous experience, interest in digital preservation, communication skills, and understanding of library and archive collections. Successful candidates will need to give examples of how they meet the essential criteria for the internship.
The internship will carry a taxable stipend of £1200 per month. Travel to the British Library’s Boston Spa site may be required, the cost of which will be covered by the British Library. The internship is open to those who have a right to live and work in the UK.
The intern will be expected to use a project management framework and monitor their progress against project plan. The intern will need to produce an interim report for CLIR, and a final report for CLIR and the British Library. The intern will be supervised by the Digital Preservation Manager throughout their internship and work will be monitored on a regular basis.
Closing date for applications is Wednesday 25th February 2009 and interviews will be held the week commencing Monday 2nd March 2009.
New Issue - International Journal of Digital Curation (Vol. 3, No. 2)
Posted on 8th December 2008
The peer-reviewed papers offer a variety of topics, including: an exploration of data practices in the long-standing Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) setting, a description of experiences in the area of curating engineering information, how one group has dealt with migration problems in a long-term archive of US Government Printing Office datasets, a description of tools from the SCOPE (Scientific Compound Object Publishing and Editing) system which is designed to enable scientists to author, publish and edit scientific compound objects, together with research analysing the current parlous state of preservation of computer games in the UK.
General articles include reports from iPRES 2008 and the 3rd Annual WePreserve Conference, experience from American Memory, another covers an international copyright study with implications for curation and preservation, while another describes steps being taken in Australia to establish a national distributed data service. More Info
ELPUB 2009 - First Call for Papers
Posted on 4th December 2008
New opportunities and new needs challenge us to rethink electronic publishing, to innovate communication paradigms and technologies, to make information not just a flat equivalent of a paper but a truly digital format, to allow machine processing and new services, to face the future of mobile life. The ELPUB 2009 conference will focus on key issues in e-communications, exploring dissemination channels, business models, technologies, methods and concepts.
We welcome a wide variety of papers from members of the communities whose research and experiments are transforming the nature of electronic publishing and scholarly communications.
IS&T Archiving Conference - Call for papers
Posted on 2nd December 2008
The deadline for submitting presentation abstracts for Archiving 2009 to be held May 4-7, 2009 in Arlington, VA., is December 21, 2008. A PDF of the Call for Papers can be found at ww.imaging.org/conferences/archiving2009 Paper proposals should be submitted according to the process described at
DRIVER released DRIVER Guidelines v2.0
Posted on 20th November 2008
This document is an updated version of the original DRIVER Guidelines and contains information and examples of changes and developments to the first version. More Info
November 2008 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter Issued
Posted on 14th November 2008
The November 2008 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available for download. This issue includes Profile of Digital reservaiton Pioneer Nan Rubin and Details on the new Federal Digitization Guidelines Working Groups. More Info
The Call for Contributions for ECDL 2009 conference
Posted on 5th November 2008
Relevant topics for the ECDL 2009 conference are grouped to three tracks, corresponding to the Infrastructures, Content Management and the Services required for the development and support of Digital Societies. More Info
DPC “What's New in Digital Preservation” - Issue 18 now available
Posted on 4th November 2008
"What's New" is a summary of selected recent activity in the field of digital preservation. Issue no. 18 (March - August 2008) of the DPC "What's New in Digital Preservation" bulletin is now available from the Digital Preservation Coalition Website
Call for Papers: New repositories: architectures interoperability and data exchange (IFLA 2009)
Posted on 27th October 2008
The 75th IFLA General Conference and Council (23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy) invites to submit proposals for papers in a 2-hour session ("New repositories: architectures Interoperability and data exchange") in Milan, Italy. The deadline is 15 December 2008. More Info
Call for Papers: IS&T Archiving 2009
Posted on 22nd October 2008
IS&T is pleased to announce the Archiving 2009 Call for Papers. The deadline for submitting presentation abstracts for Archiving 2009 (to be held May 4-7, 2009 in Arlington, VA.) is December 21, 2008. More Info
Fifth Planets Newsletter Issued
Posted on 22nd October 2008
The newsletter from the Planets project includes highlights from the annual review, an introduction to Plato, as well as an article introducing a conceptual model for expressing concepts and requirements in digital preservation. More Info