online delphi survey
Digital Preservation and curation are complex domains; much innovative and new research is necessary if we are to define theoritical concepts, methods, tools, and applications that will support the longevity of digital heritage, whether scientific, cultural, or administrative. We need to ensure that the research directions we are pursuing meet the needs of the community. To deliver a vision we need your help.
DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE) fosters collaboration and synergies between many existing national initiatives across the European Research Area. DPE addresses the need to improve coordination, cooperation and consistency in current activities to secure effective preservation of digital materials. More information about DPE can be found here.
For nearly twenty years there has been much discussion of the kinds of research that are needed in the area of digital preservation, but this has not resulted in a concise and well-developed strategy that represents the views of a broad community. Future research depends upon the availability of such a view.
The DPE research roadmap aims to provide a mechanism for:
- identifying the most important research issues for digital preservation
- specifying desired capabilities and technological requirements
- defining a time frame for addressing those issues.
Open the draft copy of the roadmap [PDF, 239KB]
We wish to draw upon your professional expertise to assess the current state of the art in digital preservation research and identify the challenges of that need to be met in the near and medium term. Your input will be reflected in the roadmap and have a direct impact on its recommendations. The final DPE research roadmap will be made available to all participants in early 2008. The European Commission and other funders have requested this roadmap to inform the directions that the research they intend to fund will take - therefore this is a unique opportunity for you to help shape the future research.
You will be given opportunity to answer five questions about each of five themes. At the end there will also be an opportunity for you to provide general comments.