DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE) has three main objectives, each of which has one or more sub-goals.
- To create a coherent platform for proactive cooperation, collaboration, exchange and dissemination of research results and experience in the preservation of digital objects.
- To identify and raise awareness of sources on the issues surrounding the curation and preservation of digital objects across the broad spectrum of national and regional cultural and scientific heritage activity in Europe.
- To contribute to the elimination of the duplication of effort of research activities by researchers at different institutions and to enable identification, collection and sharing of knowledge and expertise.
- To create a conduit between the research community and practitioner community that will foster the collaborative approaches to preservation needs.
- To stimulate further research on digital preservation in key areas and encourage the development of standards where gaps and opportunities have been identified this will include promoting and developing research agendas.
- To increase prevalence of preservation services and their viability and accountability.
- To support the development of a European-wide approach to the audit and certification of digital repositories as an essential stage in creating content management and delivery services and to repository federation.
- To stimulate ICT companies and software developers to incorporate some of the curation and preservation thinking into newer generations of software.
- To relate the digital preservation research agenda more directly to the development of exploitable product opportunities and to develop links with the industrial sectors.
- To improve awareness, skills and available resources.
- To examine core issues that will deliver essential guidelines, methods and tools to enable preservation action with European public and private sectors.
- To implement a suite of training seminars based on best practice and to identify where and what further practitioner training and staff development initiatives might be undertaken.